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NeutralCrane Mastery: Needlebeak
Start Daggle Bombstrider [67.6, 25.7]VZ-Krasarang WildsBlip
End Daggle Bombstrider [67.6, 25.7]VZ-Krasarang WildsBlip
Level 15-35
Category Krasarang Wilds
Experience 111000
Rewards Item level 399 belts
9g 80s
Previous N [15-35] Crane Mastery



Lord of the Flock.

Acquire the Needlebeak.


So, now that you've got a vibe for how cranes fight, I've got a doozy for you.


Or at least, that's what I'm calling him. Biggest crane I ever saw. And its beak is so sharp it's like a sword.

Northwest of here you'll find the big water fall that kicks off the Dojani River. Needlebeak likes to hang out by the waterfall.

You bring me its beak as a trophy and I will talk you up a good game to Nesingwary.


Item level 399 belts
Inv belt cloth panda b 02 blue [Nayeli Waistband] Inv belt leather panda b 02 [Mortbreath Waistband]
Inv belt mail panda b 02red [Deepwild Belt] Inv belt plate panda b 01 [Narsong Waistband]
Inv belt cloth panda b 02 blue [Angkhal Waistband] Inv belt leather panda b 02 [Riverblade Waistband]
Inv belt mail panda b 02red [Sarjun Belt] Inv belt plate panda b 01 [Korjan Waistband]
Inv belt plate panda b 01 [Dojani Waistband]

You will also receive: 9g 80s


I watched that bird stab a tiger through the face. What kind of place is this where birds are the predators for tigers?


Now THAT is a trophy. Looks intimidating. Wait... is this your blood on it?


  • 111000 XP


Head northwest to the lower side of the Winds' Edge of the Valley of the Four Winds. Underneath the waterfall north of Thunder Cleft is Needlebeak, a level 87 crane with 430,000 health and the following special abilities:

  • Beak Barrage — Needlebeak is preparing a barrage. 1 sec cast. Triggers...
    • Beak Batter Melee range — A dagger like strike that deals 16,650 to 19,350 damage. Instant.
  • Needle Torpedo 10 yd range — Impale a target for 99 to 116 damage. 2 sec cast. Will pick up the target and move it a few yards before dropping it, interrupting all attacks.


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