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KyrianCrest of Greatness
Start Xandria [38.9, 58.9]VZ-Elysian HoldBlip
End Fleshshaper's Heart [40.6, 60.5]VZ-Elysian HoldBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 950
Rewards 2g 57s 40c
Previous N [60] Return to the Hold
Next N [60] Assistance from Sinfall


Place the Fleshshaper's Heart in the Crest of Ascension.


Once you are ready, all you must do is place the heart within the sphere here on the Crest of Ascension.

Mikanikos's handiwork will ensure that its energy is channeled properly to aid in our ascension rituals, and its power should help protect the Crest against any further attack.

May the House of Constructs never set foot in our realm again.


You will receive:


<This looks to be the orb Xandria directed you to place the heart in.>


<The Fleshshaper's Heart fits readily into the glowing sphere. As it enters, you hear faint clicking sounds within the Crest, as if it were designed to accept such power readily.

Thus begins a new era for the kyrian.>


On accept:

Xandria says: The honor is yours, Maw Walker, as thanks for your role in our victory against Gharmal.

On completion:

Xandria says: Already I feel the Crest's power grow! New Ascended will be pivotal against Lysonia and Uther.
Xandria says: We should seek further enhancements from the other covenants' realms.
Xandria says: I will discuss the matter with Adrestes. Go in service, Maw Walker.

This concludes the "Righteous Retribution" chapter of the Ui sigil kyrian [Kyrian Campaign]. The storyline continues with N [60] Assistance from Sinfall from Polemarch Adrestes.


  1. N [60] An Expected Visitor
  2. N [60] A Perilous Journey
  3. N [60] Stronger Together
  4. N [60] Fight and Flight
  5. N [60] Justice from Above, N [60] The Butchers of Bastion, N [60] Dark Developments
  6. N [60] An Early End, N [60] Burn Before Reading, N [60] Descended
  7. N [60] Trouble on the Western Front
  8. N [60] Charging The Blade, N [60] Grave Intent, N [60] Aerial Advantage
  9. N [60] Power of the Chosen
  10. N [60] The End is Now
  11. N [60] Pursuit of Justice
  12. N [60] Take Heart
  13. N [60] Return to the Hold
  14. N [60] Crest of Greatness

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