Crimson Templars are fire elementals summoned in Silithus from a Lesser Wind Stone. The summoning ritual required a Twilight Trappings set. To guarantee that the specific Abyssal Templar is summoned, an Object of Beckoning can be used.
Fireball Volley — Inflicts Fire damage to nearby enemies.
Flame Buffet — Inflicts 28 to 32 Fire damage to an enemy and increases the Fire damage it takes by 30 for 45 sec.
Objective of[]
- It is my duty and honor to die for the Abyssal Council!
- My lord will be outraged to learn of this ambush. Let us hope your death will appease him.
- Summoning
- The Abyssal Council does not tolerate deceit! Feel our wrath, little <race>!
Patch changes[]
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