- Crudely Wrapped Gift
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- <Right Click to Open>
A Crudely Wrapped Gift is a quest reward for the [10-70 Daily] Smash the Pumpkin and
[10-70 Daily] Smash the Pumpkin daily quests. It contains random loot from the Hallow's End seasonal event.
During Hallow's End, you can battle the Shade of the Horseman in villages around the world of Azeroth, then loot his large pumpkin head for a [Scorched Holy Symbol] quest item and turn it in to the Costumed Orphan Matron for the
[10-70 Daily] Smash the Pumpkin daily quests. She rewards you with a Crudely Wrapped Gift containing event goodies.
The Crudely Wrapped Gift can contain multiple items.
Getting all four of these is not rare.
May also contain[]
[Sinister Squashling]
[Hallowed Helm]
[Hallowed Wand - Bat]
[Hallowed Wand - Ghost]
[Hallowed Wand - Leper Gnome]
[Hallowed Wand - Ninja]
[Hallowed Wand - Pirate]
[Hallowed Wand - Skeleton]
[Hallowed Wand - Wisp]
[Blood Elf Female Mask]
[Draenei Female Mask]
[Dwarf Female Mask]
[Gnome Female Mask]
[Human Female Mask]
[Night Elf Female Mask]
[Orc Female Mask]
[Tauren Female Mask]
[Troll Female Mask]
[Undead Female Mask]
[Blood Elf Male Mask]
[Draenei Male Mask]
[Dwarf Male Mask]
[Gnome Male Mask]
[Human Male Mask]
[Night Elf Male Mask]
[Orc Male Mask]
[Tauren Male Mask]
[Troll Male Mask]
[Undead Male Mask]
You can get more than one of these.
These were common in 2008, but appear to have been removed from the loot table for the Crudely Wrapped Gift for 2009.
[Candy Bar] 11-61%
[Lollipop] 13-70.8%
[Candy Corn] 13-67.6%
These candies can still be contained in the Treat Bags obtained by Trick or Treating at the inns.
[Hallowed Wand - Random] 14.9-16%
These appear to no longer be obtainable from either source.