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NeutralCryptstalker Girdle
Start Huntsman Leopold
End Huntsman Leopold
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Raid
Category Naxxramas
Class Hunter Hunter
Reputation +200 Argent Dawn
Rewards Inv belt 22 [Cryptstalker Girdle]
Previous N [60R] Echoes of War


Huntsman Leopold at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Cryptstalker Girdle if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Girdle, 8 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 3 Nexus Crystals.


I have discovered a use for the carapace of the crypt fiend. I am able to fashion an extremely light and very deadly set of armor by combining the fragments with some of the desecrated magical armors lost in Naxxramas.

Bring me the items I require and I shall fashion for you a suit of armor the likes of which has never before been seen in our world!


You will receive:
Inv belt 22 [Cryptstalker Girdle]

You will also receive:


Do you have the items I asked for, hunter?


A girdle fit for royalty! It's ready for you, <name>.


Desecrated Girdle drops off Noth the Plaguebringer and Heigan the Unclean in the Plague wing and Gluth in the Abomination wing of Naxxramas, Wartorn Chain Scraps drop off trash mobs in Naxxramas, Arcanite Bars are transmuted by Alchemists, and Nexus Crystals are disenchanted from high level epics and rarely from high level rares.

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