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Inv misc pocketwatch 01
  • Curious Bronze Timepiece
  • Quest Item
  • Unique
  • Use: Teleports you to Watcher Lara upon the Timeless Isle.
  • Requires Level 90
  • "The hour markings are illegible, and hurt one's eyes to focus upon."

The Curious Bronze Timepiece is provided as an objective by Chromie for B [30-35] Journey to the Timeless Isle.

Using the item will teleport players directly to Tushui Landing or Huojin Landing on the Timeless Isle, depending upon their faction. The timepiece has only one use, so learn the flight path upon reaching the isle.

Patch changes[]

Other versions[]

  • Horde

    Inv misc pocketwatch 01
    • Curious Bronze Timepiece
    • Quest Item
    • Unique
    • Use: Teleports you to Watcher Alundra upon the Timeless Isle.
    • Requires Level 90
    • "The hour markings are illegible, and hurt one's eyes to focus upon."

External links
