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AllianceDaelin's Men
Start Adjutant Tesoran
End Captain Garran Vimes
Level 15-30
Category Dustwallow Marsh
Experience 290
Previous A [15-30] Lieutenant Paval Reethe
Next A [15-30] The Deserters

Daelin's Men were so loyal to their admiral that they turned traitor against the Alliance.


Return the information about Reethe to Captain Garran Vimes in Theramore.


Reddon... Redpath... Ah, here it is! Lieutenant Paval Reethe.

Joined the Theramore guard along with most of the recruits that came across the sea with Lady Proudmoore. Enlisted with the marines of Kul Tiras at the age of sixteen. Distinguished service, promotions...

Listed as missing.


Missing? That would be Tesoran's kind way of saying traitor.

No doubt he's one of those fools so blindly loyal to Admiral Daelin that he turned traitor. Isn't that a delicious irony? The deserters accuse us of betraying the Alliance.


  1. A [15-30] They Call Him Smiling Jim (optional)
  2. A [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins
  3. Complete all of:
  4. A [15-30] A Grim Connection
  5. A [15-30] Confirming the Suspicion & A [15-30] Arms of the Grimtotems
    • Side chain:
    1. A [15-30] Raptor Captor
    2. A [15-30] Unleash the Raptors & A [15-30] Prisoners of the Grimtotems
  6. A [15-30] Tabetha's Assistance
  7. A [15-30] Raze Direhorn Post!
  8. A [15-30] Justice for the Hyals
  9. A [15-30] Peace at Last

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Given new ID, numbers adjusted to new leveling path.

External links[]

Cataclysm Original