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NeutralDaggle Bombstrider
Image of Daggle Bombstrider
Title <The Nesingwary Safari>
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 15-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Nesingwary Safari
Location Krasari Ruins, Krasarang Wilds
Status Alive

Daggle Bombstrider is a goblin located in the Krasari Ruins in Krasarang Wilds. After being helped, she relocates to Nesingwary's Safari in the Valley of the Four Winds.


  • Stealth



Initial gossip
Welcome to the jungle, <race>! Nesingwary dispatched me to gather info on the wildlife down here.
Feel like lending a hand?
Gossip How did you get here?
I'm part of the Nesingwary Safari. We were riding along in our hot air baloon through some mists when we came across this land.
Nesingwary and his boy wanted to hunt some of the hoofed animals and what not up north.
I decided to get a headstart on them in the jungle where the real beasts are.
A rocket ride later I'm neck deep in tigers.
First set completed

Thanks for the help friend. If you see Nesingwary and his boy to the west tell them how many things we killed. They like hearing that.

Quests completed
Daggle walks towards Thunder Cleft.
The rest of Nesingwary's Safari is up in the western side of the Valley of the Four Winds. If you find yourself heading west, you should join us. Good hunting!
Daggle Stealths across the river and despawns.
In Nesingwary's Safari

Ah good! You found the safari. That jungle is a little rough to navigate without some travel sense.

Those mogu kept getting in the way of my hunting.

Patch changes[]

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