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Image of Dareer
Gender Male
Race(s) Man'ari eredar (draenei disguise) (Demon)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Nesingwary's Retreat, Highmountain[39.8, 52.4]VZ-HighmountainBlip
Status Killable
Dareer Man'ari

Dareer in his true form.

Dareer, at first glance, appears to be a draenei cutting wood at Nesingwary's Retreat in Highmountain. If a player has a demon-tracking ability active (such as Ability demonhunter spectralsight [Spectral Sight]), they are able to reveal him for what he truly is: a hostile man'ari eredar.


  • Spell fire felimmolation Felscorch — Increases Fire damage taken.
  • Spell fire felflamebolt Incinerating Blast — Hurl a devastating ball of fel fire at an enemy, inflicting Fire damage.
  • Spell fel incinerate Soulflame — Burn the soul of your enemy, inflicting Fire damage and increasing Fire damage taken for 8 sec.


There was an ancient parable. About a woodcutter. He chopped wood as the forest burned.
"Why is it you chop wood?" they ask him. "The forest burns. Soon your house will burn."
The woodcutter, he watches the flames, he breathes in the smoke. "Who am I to change?" he asks. "I am what I am."
<Dareer chops another cord of wood.>
There is no moral.
Gossip I see for what you really are, demon. Drop the disguise and face your unmaker! (available for demon hunter after using Ability demonhunter spectralsight [Spectral Sight].)
You play with fire, fool demon hunter! YOU WILL BURN!
Leaving combat
No place is safe. No mountain is too high to flee from the Legion's rage. I will return!
Dareer teleports away.


  • His name is an anagram of "eredar".

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Draenei Demon