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AllianceDarkcloud Grimtotem
Start Feralas Sentinel
End Feralas Sentinel
Level 15-30
Category Thousand Needles
Experience 480-4,820
Rewards Inv boots cloth 35v4 [Blood Waders] or Inv bracer 67 [Goddess-Blessed Wristlets] or Inv shoulder 148v2 [Grimtotem Spaulders] or Inv jewelry necklace ahnqiraj 01 [Amulet of Spilling Blood]
Previous B [15-30] Together Again
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-30] Darkcloud Grimtotem.


Slay 20 Grimtotem tauren at Darkcloud Pinnacle.

  • Grimtotem on Darkcloud Pinnacle slain x20


There's no way around it. If you want to win a battle, you have to spill some blood. In this case... a lot of it.

You know what we have to do.


You will receive: 55s


Let's take care of a few more of them while we're here, <name>.


That put a dent in their numbers! Can't say that they didn't deserve it.


55s and

You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv boots cloth 35v4 [Blood Waders] Inv bracer 67 [Goddess-Blessed Wristlets]
Inv shoulder 148v2 [Grimtotem Spaulders] Inv jewelry necklace ahnqiraj 01 [Amulet of Spilling Blood]


Pick up B [15-30] No Weapons For You! and B [15-30] Grimtotem Chiefs: Isha Gloomaxe before heading out. Then start killing. The sentinel can more than hold her own, which is great, as the hostiles often come in groups. Immediately outside of Isha's tent is The Rattle of Bones. Pick it up to start its' eponymous quest, Inv staff goldfeathered 01 [The Rattle of Bones].

Don't focus on killing Grimtotem to the detriment of anything else. There's going to be plenty of time.


  1. B [15-30] Free Freewind Post
  2. B [15-30] Grimtotem in the Post / B [15-30] Horn of the Traitor / A [15-30] Save the Sentinel / H [15-30] The Brave and the Bold
  3. B [15-30] Together Again
  4. Complete all of:
    1. B [15-30] Grimtotem Chiefs: Isha Gloomaxe
    2. B [15-30] Grimtotem Chiefs: Elder Stormhoof
    3. B [15-30] Grimtotem Chiefs: Grundig Darkcloud
    4. B [15-30] Grimtotem Chiefs: The Chief of Chiefs
    • Artifacts
    1. B [15-30] The Rattle of Bones
    2. B [15-30] The Writ of History / B [15-30] The Drums of War
  5. B [15-30] The Captive Bride
  6. N [15-30] Invoking the Serpent

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