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Main article: Frida Ironbellows
AllianceDarkforged Crusader
Image of Darkforged Crusader
Gender Male
Race Dark Iron dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 51 Elite
Class Paladin
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Dark Iron clan, Knights of the Silver Hand
Location Zocalo, Battle of Dazar'alor
Status Killable

The Darkforged Crusader is a Dark Iron dwarf paladin located at the Zocalo in the Battle of Dazar'alor.


  • Ability paladin empoweredsealstruth Aura of Retribution — Receiving a blessing from a nearby ally's aura, increasing damage done by 15% and healing done by 15%.
  • Ability paladin beaconoflight Blinding Faith — Releases a wave of divine light, disorienting all enemies facing the caster for 5 sec.
  • Spell holy innerfire Consecration — Summons a patch of holy ground under the caster, inflicting 1178 Holy damage to all players standing in it. Additionally, Consecration reduces damage taken by all Crusaders and Disciples by 50%.
  • Spell holy crusaderstrike Crusader Strike — Strikes the enemy with a weapon imbued with holy energy, inflicting 2591 Holy damage.
  • Spell paladin lightshammer Divine Mallet — Throws out Light-infused mallets in various directions every 1 sec for 8 sec, inflicting 3533 Holy damage to each player hit.
  • Spell holy holynova Wave of Light — Releases a wave of holy light towards a friendly target, inflicting 1760 Holy damage to all enemies hit. Additionally, Wave of Light heals all allies for 5% of their maximum health every 1 sec for 7 sec when hit. If no allies are present, Wave of Light targets an enemy instead.

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