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NeutralDarkmoon Elementals Deck
Start Inv misc ticket tarot elemental02 [Elementals Deck]
End Professor Thaddeus Paleo
Level 1-70
Category Darkmoon Faire
Experience 550
Reputation Darkmoon Faire +350
Rewards Inv misc ticket tarot maelstrom 01 [Darkmoon Card: Maelstrom]
Darkmoon Faire
The subject of this article or section is part of Darkmoon Faire, an ongoing event that lasts one week. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next month.


Return the Inv misc ticket tarot elemental02 [Elementals Deck] to the Darkmoon Faire when it comes to town.


Now that you have gathered all of the Elemental cards together into a deck, a ninth card mysteriously appears with the same backing as the first eight. On this card is inscribed, "Return these cards to the Darkmoon Faire and be rewarded." You have heard that this faire alternately stops at Mulgore and Goldshire every few months, so you will have to wait until they are here next.


You will receive:
Inv misc ticket tarot maelstrom 01 [Darkmoon Card: Maelstrom]


I see that you have managed to complete a deck of elementals! Congratulations!


So you have put together a deck of elementals. Your gesture of returning it to us will create a tie between you and the Darkmoon that will not soon be forgotten. Allow me to present you with one of the greater darkmoon cards as a small token of our appreciation.

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