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MobDarkwing Roc
Image of Darkwing Roc
Gender Male
Race Windroc (Beast)
Level 35-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Throne of the Elements, Nagrand [68, 20]VZ-Nagrand (alternate universe)Blip
Status Killable
Pet family Bird of Prey

Darkwing Roc is a windroc located at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand.


  • Ability skyreach flying charge Dive — The caster quickly flies through their current target and inflicts damage to all targets who remain in the path.
  • Spell nature nullifypoison Infected Talons — Coats talons with diseased flesh that can infect the target on melee hit.
  • Spell nature nullifypoison Infected Talons — Rake the target with diseased claws, infecting them for 10 sec.
  • Inv feather 06 Quills — The caster flaps their wings violently, sending quills flying in all directions. Enemies within 45 yards suffer Physical damage.
  • Ability skyreach dismount Swoop — Inflicts physical damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster, stunning them for 2 sec.

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