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AllianceDeadliest Cache: Gun Fishin'
Start Master Gunner Line
End Master Gunner Line
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 20,560
Reputation +150 Storm's Wake
Rewards 46g 80s
Previous A [30-60] Deadliest Cache: Reel Big Fish
Next A [30-60] Deadliest Cache: Sink and Swim


Listen to Master Gunner Line's tale.


Hook's got a screw loose in her head, I tell ya. Sharks workin' together on somethin'... phooey!

It does remind me of one of my favorite tales, though. Have I ever told ya 'bout the time I caught THE single largest, deadliest, most tentacled beast in all o' Azeroth?!

Aye, I thought not. It's not a story I'd tell ya sober. It was a day unlike any other...


You will receive:


Aye, lad?


Ozumat ain't around on account of I shot the blasted beast in its slimy face! Swear on me beard every word is true!


Speaking with Line
Speak yer mind.

Gossip And then what happened?

Master Gunner Line says: Aye, I remember it well. It was Pilgrim's Bounty, and I was fishin' up the main course fer the banquet.
Master Gunner Line says: It was then I realized I had forgotten me fishin' rod! A fisherman's only as good as their rod, if you ask me.
Master Gunner Line says: Tides take me, I forgot me rod!
  • Master Gunner Line says: Just, uh, wanted to admire the view a second longer. (if idle)
  • Master Gunner Line says: Now this is what I call fishin'!
  • Master Gunner Line says: Like shootin' fish in a barrel!
  • Master Gunner Line says: Bullseye! Er, fisheye!

The Inv weapon rifle 36 [Slagshot Slammer] is leaning against the barrel Line was sitting on:

Master Gunner Line says: Anywho, like I was sayin', we needed fish fer the bounty, and lots of it, so off I went.

Players have access to two abilities as Line:

  1. Cast the Line 40 yd range — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy. Instant
  2. Fly Fishing — Thrusts upward, dealing Fire damage to nearby enemies. Instant (8 sec cooldown)

Start killing 25 Drowned Horrors, and using the Slagshot Fishflayers on the docks to gather three Mountains of fish:

Master Gunner Line says: All me fishin' caught the hungry eye of none other than the leviathan Ozumat!
Master Gunner Line says: Ozumat?! Not on my wharf!

A handful of Writhing Horror tentacles have popped up, and Ozumat's visible in the distance. Take out four tentacles:

Master Gunner Line says: With the beast's tentacles subdued, it was time to finish the job.
Master Gunner Line says: Luckily, I had me special bullet I kept 'round me neck at all times for just such an occasion.
Master Gunner Line says: Time to seal the deal!

Players have one final ability:

  • Seal the Deal 200 yd range — Instantly kill the target. 3 sec cast

Take the shot from wherever.

Master Gunner Line says: And that is how I hoisted the very fiend of the dark below to this very mast!
"Sinker" says: Mph mph mph!
Coxwain Hook says: Aye, Sinker's got a point. Ozumat ain't been seen since the Cataclysm!
"Sinker" says: Mph mph, mph mph mph!
Coxwain Hook says: Ah, and Sinker's got a tale o' his own!


  • Ability Fly Fishing is the reference to infamous rocket jump.


Optional breadcrumb: A [30-60] Surveying the Wharf

  1. A [30-60] Deadliest Cache: Reel Big Fish
  2. A [30-60] Deadliest Cache: Gun Fishin'
  3. A [30-60] Deadliest Cache: Sink and Swim
  4. A [30-60] Deadliest Cache: Carpe Diem

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