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Inv trinket naxxramas031000

Death's Bargaining Chip is a reward from Zackett Skullsmash's repeatable quests after waking him up in N [1-70] Inconvenience Fee after unlocking ancient Secrets of Naxxramas via the Inv jewelry talisman 12 [Wards of the Dread Citadel] achievement:

Zackett then turns around and uses those chips to unlock Tier 3 craftables, among a few other items:

Zackett Skullsmash
Item Cost Type
Inv helmet 22 [Dented Raider's Helmet] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or Inv helmet 22 [Lamented Crusader's Helmet]
Inv shoulder 11 [Dented Raider's Spaulders] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or Inv shoulder 11 [Lamented Crusader's Spaulders]
Inv chest chain 05 [Dented Raider's Chestpiece] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or Inv chest chain 05 [Lamented Crusader's Chestpiece]
Inv bracer 15 [Dented Raider's Bracers] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or Inv bracer 15 [Lamented Crusader's Bracers]
Inv gauntlets 31 [Dented Raider's Gauntlets] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or Inv gauntlets 31 [Lamented Crusader's Gauntlets]
Inv belt 35 [Dented Raider's Belt] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or Inv belt 35 [Lamented Crusader's Belt]
Inv pants plate 17 [Dented Raider's Leggings] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or Inv pants plate 17 [Lamented Crusader's Leggings]
Inv boots chain 05 [Dented Raider's Boots] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or Inv boots chain 05 [Lamented Crusader's Boots]
Inv 10 inscription2 repcontracts 70 professions scroll 02 uprez color4 [Slime-Covered Scroll] 12 Death's Bargaining Chip Non-BoP ancient recipes
Trade alchemy foldedghostiron [Phylacterweave] 2,000g Tier 3 crafting reagent
Inv crate 05 [Plagued Grain] 15 Death's Bargaining Chip Toy
Ability creature disease 01 [Rotten Delicious] 30 Death's Bargaining Chip For Ability mount undeadhorse [Reins of Valiance]
Inv scroll 04 [Pattern: Cursed Cloth] 20 Death's Bargaining Chip † Tier 3 cloth reagent - Inv fabric purple 01 [Cursed Cloth]
Inv scroll 04 [Pattern: Languished Leather] 20 Death's Bargaining Chip † Tier 3 leather reagent - Inv tradeskill skinning shaleather [Languished Leather]
Inv scroll 04 [Pattern: Scourged Scales] 20 Death's Bargaining Chip † Tier 3 mail reagent - Inv misc scales basilliskviolet [Scourged Scales]
Inv scroll 04 [Plans: Undeath Metal] 20 Death's Bargaining Chip † Tier 3 plate reagent - Inv ore eternium nugget [Undeath Metal]

 †Requires Achievement boss kelthuzad 01 [Drop Dead, Gorgeous]

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