Deepholm is the level 82-83 level-up zone of Cataclysm. Breadcrumbs to Deepholm first send players to the new Earthen Ring earthshrines just outside Stormwind City and Orgrimmar. During [30-35] The Maelstrom, players take a portal to see Thrall in the Maelstrom. Players are then dropped off at the Temple of Earth in Deepholm to start the long process of recovering the three World Pillar fragments.
Deepholm is a lightly-phased directed questing experience. The zone plays out as one very, very long quest chain circling around the zone and winding up with a climax back at the Temple of Earth. At that point, optional daily quests open up with the Therazane faction.
The progression of the storyline is tracked in the achievement [Deep into Deepholm].
After Deepholm comes Uldum, starting in the Temple of Earth at level 83 involving some foreshadowing quests at the Twilight Terrace.
Upper World Pillar Fragment[]
From the Eastern Earthshrine in Stormwind / the Western Earthshrine in Orgrimmar:
Optional breadcrumbs:
- [30-35] The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On (from Mount Hyjal)
- [30-35] The War Has Many Fronts (from Vashj'ir)
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Deepholm! / [30-35] Warchief's Command: Deepholm!
- [30-35] The Maelstrom
- [30-35] Deepholm, Realm of Earth
- Complete all of:
- [30-35] Gunship Down & [30-35] Captain's Log
- [30-35] Elemental Energy
- [30-35] The Earth Claims All
- [30-35] Diplomacy First
- Complete all of:
- [30-35] All Our Friends Are Dead
- [30-35] The Admiral's Cabin
- Optional follow-up quest: [30-35] Without a Captain or Crew
- [30-35] Take No Prisoners / [30-35] On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner
- [30-35] Some Spraining to Do
- [30-35] Return to the Temple of Earth
- [30-35] Deathwing's Fall
- Side quest: [30-35] Blood of the Earthwarder
- [30-35] Bleed the Bloodshaper
- [30-35] Question the Slaves
- [30-35] The Forgemaster's Log
- [30-35] Silvermarsh Rendezvous
- [30-35] Quicksilver Submersion
- Side chain: [30-35] Twilight Research, [30-35] Maziel's Revelation, [30-35] Maziel's Ascendancy
- [30-35] The Twilight Overlook
- Optional dungeon intro: [30-35D] Into the Stonecore
- [30-35] Big Game, Big Bait / [30-35] To Catch a Dragon
- [30-35] Testing the Trap
- [30-35] Abyssion's Minions / [30-35] Block the Gates
- [30-35] The World Pillar Fragment
To [30-35] Where's Goldmine?
Middle World Pillar Fragment[]
- [30-35] Where's Goldmine?
- [30-35] Explosive Bonding Compound / [30-35] Something that Burns
- [30-35] Apply and Flash Dry
- [30-35] Take Him to the Earthcaller
- [30-35] To Stonehearth's Aid
- [30-35] The Quaking Fields
- [30-35] The Axe of Earthly Sundering / [30-35] Elemental Ore
- [30-35] One With the Ground
- [30-35] Bring Down the Avalanche
- Complete all of:
- [30-35] Stonefather's Boon & [30-35] Sealing the Way
- [30-35] We're Surrounded & [30-35] Thunder Stones
- [30-35] Shatter Them! / [30-35] Battlefront Triage / [30-35] Fixer Upper
- [30-35] Troggzor the Earthinator
- [30-35] Rush Delivery
- [30-35] Close Escort
- [30-35] Keep Them off the Front
- [30-35] Reactivate the Constructs / [30-35] Mystic Masters
- [30-35] Down Into the Chasm
- [30-35] Sprout No More / [30-35] Fungal Monstrosities
- [30-35] A Slight Problem
- [30-35] Rescue the Stonefather... and Flint
- [30-35] The Hero Returns
- [30-35] The Middle Fragment
To [30-35] The Very Earth Beneath Our Feet.
Lower World Pillar Fragment[]
- [30-35] The Very Earth Beneath Our Feet
- [30-35] Crumbling Defenses / [30-35] On Even Ground / [30-35] Core of Our Troubles
- [30-35] Imposing Confrontation
- [30-35] Rocky Relations
- [30-35] Hatred Runs Deep / [30-35] Unsolid Ground / [30-35] Loose Stones
- [30-35] Violent Gale
- [30-35] Depth of the Depths
- [30-35] A Rock Amongst Many
- [30-35] Entrenched
- [30-35] Intervention / [30-35] Making Things Crystal Clear / [30-35] Putting the Pieces Together
- [30-35] Pebble (optional)
- [30-35] Clingy
- [30-35] So Big, So Round...
- [30-35] Rock Bottom
- [30-35] Petrified Delicacies
- [30-35] Steady Hand
- [30-35] Don't. Stop. Moving.
- [30-35] Hard Falls / [30-35] Fragile Values
- [30-35] Resonating Blow
- [30-35] Rocky Upheaval
- Complete all of:
- [30-35] Doomshrooms / [30-35] Gone Soft
- [30-35] Familiar Intruders & [30-35] A Head Full of Wind & [30-35] Unnatural Causes
- [30-35] Shaken and Stirred / [30-35] Corruption Destruction / [30-35] Wrath of the Fungalmancer
- [30-35] At the Stonemother's Call
- [30-35] Audience with the Stonemother
- [30-35] Rallying the Earthen Ring
- [30-35] Our Part of the Bargain
- [30-35] The Stone March / [30-35] Therazane's Mercy / [30-35] The Twilight Flight
- [30-35] Word In Stone
- [30-35] Undying Twilight
- [30-35] The Binding
- [30-35] The Stone Throne
Therazane dailies[]
Upon completion of [30-35] The Stone Throne, the elementals at Therazane's Throne offer daily quests:
- Crimson Expanse (Honored)
- [30-35 Daily] Soft Rock
- [30-35 Daily] Fungal Fury
- [30-35 Daily] Through Persistence
- Crumbling Depths (Honored)
- [30-35 Daily] Fear of Boring
- [30-35 Daily] Motes
- One of:
- [30-35 Daily] Lost In The Deeps
- [30-35 Daily] Underground Economy
- [30-35 Daily] Beneath the Surface
- At Revered, one of:
- [30-35 Daily] The Restless Brood
- [30-35 Daily] Glop, Son of Glop
To Uldum![]
As soon as players hit level 83, the Uldum storyline opens up inside the faction rooms of the temple.
- [30-35] The Explorers / [30-35] The Reliquary (optional, only available during Middle World Pillar Fragment quests)
- [30-35] Fly Over & [30-35] The Twilight Plot
- [30-35] Decryption Made Easy
- [30-35] The Wrong Sequence
- [30-35] That's No Pyramid!
- [30-35] Meetup with the Caravan or [30-35] Hero's Call: Uldum! or [30-35] Warchief's Command: Uldum!