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NeutralDefending Wyrmrest Temple
Start Lord Devrestrasz
End Lord Devrestrasz
Level 15-30
Type Daily
Category Dragonblight
Experience 20750
Reputation +325 The Wyrmrest Accord
Rewards 5g 60s
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [15-30] Report to Lord Devrestrasz

The B [15-30] Rifle the Bodies quest chains must be complete before Devrestrasz will offer this quest.


Devrestrasz at Wyrmrest Temple has asked you to slay 3 Azure Dragons, slay 5 Azure Drakes, and to destabilize the Azure Dragonshrine while riding a Wyrmrest Defender into battle.


Emboldened by the overabundance of magic now flowing through the Azure Dragonshrine, the blue dragonflight has dared to attack Wyrmrest Temple itself!

I ask that you ride one of our defenders into battle to slay their dragons and drakes, and to attack the eruption of ley line energies at the dragonshrine itself in order to destabilize it.

Outside on the east and west terraces are wyrmrest defenders. Speak with one to ride it into battle.

Without your help, <name>, we will surely lose.


You will receive: 5g 60s


How fares the fight? Are we pushing them back?


Incredible! Let me just say that I continue to be amazed by what you younger races are capable of.

We are indebted to you. Will you come back and help tomorrow?


The Wyrmrest Defender may say any of the following:

  • When mounted:
Wyrmrest Defender whispers: We've been expecting you, <name>. Now we have the upper hand.
Wyrmrest Defender whispers: Where to first?
Wyrmrest Defender whispers: I am ready. Let's defend the temple!
  • In battle(?):
Wyrmrest Defender whispers: I never thought that I'd be riding into battle with a <race> on my back.
Wyrmrest Defender whispers: Malygos has clearly gone insane.
Wyrmrest Defender whispers: Just hang on. We'll get through this.
  • Enemy killed:
Wyrmrest Defender whispers: Nice one, kid.
Wyrmrest Defender whispers: Another blue down. We make a great team!
  • Health low:
I need to heal!
We should get out of here. I need to heal!
  • ?
Wyrmrest Defender whispers: With you and I working together, this battle will be over in no time.
Wyrmrest Defender whispers: I've never seen anything like this before. I'm glad that you're here.


  1. B [15-30] Rifle the Bodies
  2. B [15-30] Prevent the Accord
  3. B [15-30] A Strange Device
  4. B [15-30] Projections and Plans
  5. B [15-30] The Focus on the Beach & B [15-30] A Letter for Home
  6. B [15-30] Atop the Woodlands & B [15-30] Strengthen the Ancients
  7. B [15-30] Search Indu'le Village
  8. B [15-30] The End of the Line
Informing the Queen
  1. B [15-30] Gaining an Audience
  2. B [15-30] Speak with your Ambassador
  3. B [15-30] Report to the Ruby Dragonshrine
  4. B [15-30] Heated Battle
  5. B [15-30] Return to the Earth
  6. B [15-30] Through Fields of Flame
  7. B [15-30] The Steward of Wyrmrest Temple
  8. B [15-30] Informing the Queen
  9. N [15-30] Report to Lord Devrestrasz
  10. N [15-30 Daily] Defending Wyrmrest Temple

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