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For the beta version of this quest, see A [3] Demonic Thieves.
AllianceDemonic Thieves
Start Melithar Staghelm[46.0, 72.9]VZ-ShadowglenBlip
End Melithar Staghelm[46.0, 72.9]VZ-ShadowglenBlip
Level 1-10
Category Shadowglen
Reputation +250 Darnassus
Rewards Money, XP
Inv misc bag 05 [Melithar's Supply Bag]
Previous A [1-10] The Balance of Nature or
A [1-10] A Favor for Melithar
Next A [1-10] Priestess of the Moon


Recover Melithar's Stolen Bags near the grellkin to the west.


Vicious little grell! They've been stealing from our foodstores again.

If you wouldn't mind lending a hand, they are sure to have my stolen bags within their camps to the west. I would be glad to reward you if you can bring them back to me.


You will receive:
Inv misc bag 05 [Melithar's Supply Bag]

You will also receive:


I don't have any spare supplies for my customers until my stolen goods are recovered. Have you had any luck?


Elune be praised! And you as well, young <class>.

There are many young night elves in need of these, but I'd be more than happy to give you one of the bags as a reward. I'm sure it will come in handy.

Safe travels to you.


  1. A [1-10] The Balance of Nature
  2. A [1-10] Fel Moss Corruption & A [1-10] Demonic Thieves
  3. A [1-10] Priestess of the Moon
  4. A [1-10] Iverron's Antidote
  5. A [1-10] The Woodland Protector
  6. A [1-10] Webwood Corruption
  7. A [1-10] Vile Touch
  8. A [1-10] Signs of Things to Come
  9. A [1-10] Teldrassil: Crown of Azeroth
  10. A [1-10] Precious Waters
  11. A [1-10] Teldrassil: Passing Awareness
    Side quest: A [1-30] Dolanaar Delivery

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