Den of the Lost entrance.

In-game map.
The Den of the Lost is a cavern to the west of Vol'jin's new base camp. It is located in Dustwallow Marsh on the continent of Kalimdor. The Ancient Wendigo rules its cavernous depths. Rexxar, Cairne Bloodhoof, Rokhan, and Chen Stormstout defeated the wendigo.[1]
It was home to wendigo, mur'gul, sludge beasts and giant turtles.
Loading screen[]
Filled with creatures of all varieties, no one really understands how these beasts find their way into the sunken cave. None have seen them enter, and the creatures never leave.
A mur'gul village.
A Group of Sea Turtles.
A par larger and powerful Sludge Monstrosity unique to the cavern.
Group of Wendigos unique to the cavern.
The Ancient Wendigo that rules the caverns.