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Image of Deos
Gender Male
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Ascended
Location Bastion, Revendreth, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald
Central Korthia [52.9, 36.4]VZ-KorthiaBlip

Deos is a kyrian that is one of the trainees during the quests N [60] Training Our Forces, N [60] Training in Maldraxxus, N [60] Training in Revendreth, and N [60] Training in Ardenweald.

He appears again in central Korthia, nearly overcome by Mawsworn. He takes part in the Wild Worldcracker vignette, required for Inv offhand 1h mawraid d 01 [Conquering Korthia].


  • Ability paladin beaconoflight Devoted Wrath — Increases the caster's haste by 25% for 8 sec.
  • Shield draenorcrafted d 02 c alliance Shield Slam — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.
  • Inv shield 1h bastionquest b 01 Shield Smash — Deos jumps to your location and smashes his shield down inflicting Physical damage to all nearby enemies and stunning them for 3 sec.
  • Ability butcher heavyhanded Trainee Ready — Your trainee is ready to use a powerful ability at your command.



Initial (Bastion)
Deos says: Today we defend our home. I hope to learn much from our time together.
Initial (Revendreth)
Deos says: I was sent by our leaders to learn from you in the ways of combat. Guide my hand!
Initial (respawn)
Deos says: Ready for training!
Deos says: I seek your wisdom!
Deos says: Guide my hand!
Deos says: Let the battle begin!
Deos says: I will prove my worth!
Deos says: I fight with honor!
Shield Bash
Deos says: I am filled with courage! Unleash me upon them!
Deos says: Be purified!
Enemy defeated
Deos says: A stepping stone on the path to ascension.
Deos says: Another falls to our might.
Discovers a Glittering Object
Deos says: I see something on the ground, here. Come, take a look!
Below 5% health
Deos says: My wounds are too great!
Deos says: I must take my leave!


  • His name is based on the Latin Deus, from the Greek god Zeus.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Deos Eager Aspirant