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AllianceDerrick Brindlebeard
Image of Derrick Brindlebeard
Title <Ironforge Quartermaster>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ironforge
Location Silver Covenant Pavilion, Icecrown
Status Alive

Derrick Brindlebeard is a dwarf found at the Silver Covenant Pavilion in the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown as part of the Argent Tournament.


Derrick Brindlebeard
<Ironforge Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Ability mount warhippogryph [Argent Hippogryph] 150 Champion's Seal Flying Mount
Inv weapon rifle 35 [Blunderbuss of Khaz Modan] 25 Champion's Seal Gun
Inv sword 143 [Claymore of the Prophet] 25 Champion's Seal Two-Handed Sword
Inv weapon shortblade 96 [Dagger of Lunar Purity] 25 Champion's Seal Dagger
Inv weapon shortblade 96 [Dagger of the Rising Moon] 25 Champion's Seal Dagger
Inv sword 58 [Gnomeregan Bonechopper] 25 Champion's Seal One-Handed Sword
Ability mount mountainram [Ironforge Ram] 100 Champion's Seal Mount
Inv mace 29 [Ironforge Smasher] 25 Champion's Seal One-Handed Mace
Inv staff 96 [Silvery Sylvan Stave] 25 Champion's Seal Staff
Ability mount mountainram [Swift Violet Ram] 500g 5 Champion's Seal Mount
Inv axe 107 [Teldrassil Protector] 25 Champion's Seal One-Handed Axe
Inv jewelry necklace 31 [Choker of Spiral Focus] 10 Champion's Seal Amulet
Inv belt 44c [Cinch of Bonded Servitude] 10 Champion's Seal Mail Armor
Ability mount polarbear black [Dun Morogh Cub] 40 Champion's Seal Small Pet
Inv gauntlets 30 [Gauntlets of Shattered Pride] 10 Champion's Seal Plate Armor
Inv belt 36 [Girdle of Valorous Defeat] 10 Champion's Seal Plate Armor
Inv banner 02 [Jouster's Fury] 10 Champion's Seal Trinket
Inv jewelry necklace 15 [Necklace of Valiant Blood] 10 Champion's Seal Amulet
Inv jewelry necklace 16 [Pendant of Azure Dreams] 10 Champion's Seal Amulet
Inv belt 42b [Sash of Shattering Hearts] 10 Champion's Seal Cloth Armor
Inv boots plate 09 [Stanchions of Unseatable Furor] 10 Champion's Seal Plate Armor
Inv jewelry necklace 20 [Susurrating Shell Necklace] 10 Champion's Seal Amulet
Inv boots leather 02 [Treads of Nimble Evasion] 10 Champion's Seal Leather Armor
Inv boots chain 04 [Treads of the Glorious Spirit] 10 Champion's Seal Mail Armor
Inv belt 37a [Wrap of the Everliving Tree] 10 Champion's Seal Leather Armor
Inv misc tournaments symbol dwarf [Ironforge Commendation Badge] Quest
Inv misc tournaments banner dwarf [Ironforge Banner] 15 Champion's Seal Consumable
Inv misc tournaments tabard dwarf [Ironforge Tabard] 50 Champion's Seal Tabard



Not so fast, <race>!

Only champions of Ironforge can purchase what I got ta offer.

Buy I want to browse your goods.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be a part of the Ironforge Guard.

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