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For the Necrolord quest, see N [60] Descended.
Start Xandria [35.6, 26.5]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
End Xandria [35.6, 26.5]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 11,800
Rewards Inv belt cloth bastion d 01 [Selfless Watcher's Girdle]
or Inv belt leather bastion d 01 [Selfless Bearer's Waist]
or Inv belt mail bastion d 01 [Selfless Forgelite's Belt]
or Inv belt plate bastion d 01 [Selfless Collector's Girdle]
51g 48s
Previous N [60] Justice from Above, N [60] The Butchers of Bastion, N [60] Dark Developments
Next N [60] Trouble on the Western Front



A tainted amalgamation of the disciples of Courage.

Slay Woeblade the Atrocity.


Though we have stopped the creation of more juggernauts, one of their most vile creations yet draws breath. It was born of one of the most pained souls they took from my temple in Bastion.

As I flew above their ranks I could hear their surgeons chanting its name above the din of combat--Woeblade. It is an affront to all the kyrian stand for, an atrocity beyond any other.

Mark it with the flames of courage when you engage, and we will help you destroy it.


You will receive one of:
Inv belt cloth bastion d 01 [Selfless Watcher's Girdle] Inv belt leather bastion d 01 [Selfless Bearer's Waist]
Inv belt mail bastion d 01 [Selfless Forgelite's Belt] Inv belt plate bastion d 01 [Selfless Collector's Girdle]

You will also receive:


Be swift.


May our victory bring them peace.


Players are granted a bonus ability while on this quest:

Spell animabastion missile Flames of Courage 40 yd range — Sear Woeblade with eternal fire, increasing the Critical Strike chance of attacks against the target by 30% and calling kyrian allies to aid you. 1.5 sec cast (20 sec cooldown)

Woeblade is marked on the map to the southwest of the questgivers. Use the bonus ability with Woeblade targeted to summon a handful of kyrian who will help kill the target.


Woeblade says: Pain... agony...!

Using bonus ability:

Valiant Hoplite yells: Your fate is sealed.


Woeblade says: Go...with Courage...

On return:

Kynthia says: The western flank is pinned down. Mograine needs reinforcements!


  1. N [60] An Expected Visitor
  2. N [60] A Perilous Journey
  3. N [60] Stronger Together
  4. N [60] Fight and Flight
  5. N [60] Justice from Above, N [60] The Butchers of Bastion, N [60] Dark Developments
  6. N [60] An Early End, N [60] Burn Before Reading, N [60] Descended
  7. N [60] Trouble on the Western Front
  8. N [60] Charging The Blade, N [60] Grave Intent, N [60] Aerial Advantage
  9. N [60] Power of the Chosen
  10. N [60] The End is Now
  11. N [60] Pursuit of Justice
  12. N [60] Take Heart
  13. N [60] Return to the Hold
  14. N [60] Crest of Greatness

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