- Design: Eternal Earthstorm Diamond
- Binds when picked up
- Use: Teaches you how to cut an Eternal Earthstorm Diamond.
- Eternal Earthstorm Diamond
- +12 Dodge Rating and +1% Shield Block Value
- Requires Requires at least 2 Blue gems
Requires at least 1 Yellow gem - "Only fits in a meta gem slot."
- Sell Price: 3
- Earthstorm Diamond
- Requires Outland Jewelcrafting (70)
- Requires Shattered Sun Offensive - Revered
- Sell Price: 3
This item is a reputation reward; you must be revered with Shattered Sun Offensive to purchase it for 32 from Eldara Dawnrunner <Shattered Sun Offensive Quartermaster> on the Isle of Quel'Danas.
Patch changes[]
Patch 2.4.0 (2008-03-25): Added.