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HordeDesolation Hold Inspection
Start Warlord Bloodhilt
End Warlord Gar'dul
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 1,050
Reputation +75 Orgrimmar
Previous H [10-30] Taking Back Taurajo
Next H [10-30] Changing of the Gar'dul


Talk to Warlord Bloodhilt, then ride into Desolation Hold and inform Gar'dul that Warlord Bloodhilt is on his way.


Thanks to you, the immediate threat is over. But my work here in the Barrens is only beginning.

Honor's Stand was captured and Taurajo was sacked while Warlord Gar'dul was in charge of the region. The Warchief has sent me here to clean up his mess.

I would like you to ride into Desolation Hold to the south in advance of me and let Gar'dul know that it is time for a reckoning.

Talk to me when you are ready to leave and I will assemble my vanguard to accompany you.


You will receive:


What is this about? Why are you creating such a commotion in my camp?


<Gar'dul breaks into a sweat.>

Look - ah - let's not discuss this here, in front of the men.


Speaking with Bloodhilt
Are you ready to ride to Desolation Hold as my Vanguard, <name>?
Gar'dul may try to give you the runaround. Let him know his judgment is coming.
Gossip I am ready to ride, Warlord!

The player is mounted on Bloodhilt's Riding Wolf and rides to the Hold and becomes accompanied by a Bloodhilt's Rearguard. Hostile mobs become unfriendly and won't attack.

Speaking with Gar'dul
Gossip I'm here on behalf of Warlord Bloodhilt, who wants you to know he will be arriving shortly.
Warlord Bloodhilt? Garrosh's pet?
There's no need for him to be here, as you can see, ah, tell him I have the situation well in hand.
Gossip I'll be sure to tell the Taurajo survivors that. Those that lived.
But, ah, supplies have been tight. I've got, ah, a manpower shortage. Tell Bloodhilt that, ah -
Gossip Tell him yourself. He's almost here!


  1. H [10-30] A Family Divided (from Camp Una'fe) or H [10-30] Winnoa Pineforest (from the Overgrowth)
  2. H [10-30] A Line in the Dirt
  3. H [10-30] Siegebreaker
  4. H [10-30] Honoring the Dead and H [10-30] Taking Back Taurajo
  5. H [10-30] Desolation Hold Inspection (to Desolation Hold)

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