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Start Zolani
End Zolani
Level 10-60
Category Dazar'alor
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Zandalari Empire
Rewards Inv cape cloth zandalarquest b 01 [Golden City Greatcloak]
or Inv bracer cloth zandalarquest b 01 [Zanchuli Wristwraps]
or Inv bracer plate zandalarquest b 01 [Rastari Vambraces]
or Inv bracer mail zandalarquest b 01 [Torcalin Bracers]
or Inv bracer leather zandalarquest b 01 [Jambani Armbands]
19g 40s
Previous H [10-60] Shakedown


Collect 6 Amani Heads from Tal'aman and 6 Sandfury Heads from Tal'farrak.


General Jakra'zet had orders to ensure dis place had protection. Guard protection. I see none of dat.

Jakra'zet is a stubborn general, and one I have had my eye on for a while now.

Regardless, we must remind dese lesser tribes who rules dis city with a message dey will understand.

I charge you with collecting heads.

Enter Tal'farrak and Tal'aman, and collect a quota of heads.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv cape cloth zandalarquest b 01 [Golden City Greatcloak] Inv bracer cloth zandalarquest b 01 [Zanchuli Wristwraps]
Inv bracer plate zandalarquest b 01 [Rastari Vambraces] Inv bracer mail zandalarquest b 01 [Torcalin Bracers]
Inv bracer leather zandalarquest b 01 [Jambani Armbands]

You will also receive:


Troll politics are more like a blood sport.


When visitors do not understand de language of your laws, it becomes necessary to explain your laws in a language dey do understand.


  1. H [10-60] The Port of Zandalar
  2. H [10-60] Shakedown & H [10-60] The Word of Zul
  3. H [10-60] Deterrent, H [10-60] Punishment of Tal'aman, H [10-60] Punishment of Tal'farrak
  4. H [10-60] Royal Report

Patch changes[]

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