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Disenchanting results are often summed up in simple terms, "dust from green armor, essence from green weapons, shards from blues, crystals from purples". Although this can be handy, there is a much more defined system for what probability the enchanter has of getting each result. This system relies on item type (armor or weapon), quality, and ilevel. These tables aim to provide a more detailed view of disenchanting results.

  • Unless otherwise noted, percentages are split evenly between each quantity outcome. For example: "80% 1-2x" means "40% chance of DE into 1x, 40% chance of DE into 2x"

Note : these tables are pre Battle for Azeroth and need to be updated for the changes in levels. Skills are now split across continents.


  • Shards disenchanted from uncommon items are always 1x quantity.


Dust Essence Shard Craftable
iLvl Result Prob Qty Result Prob Qty Result Prob
5-15 Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust] 80% 1-2x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence] 20% 1-2x [1]
16-20 Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust] 75% 2-3x Inv enchant essencemagiclarge [Greater Magic Essence] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant shardglimmeringsmall [Small Glimmering Shard] 5% [2]
21-25 Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust] 75% 4-6x Inv enchant essenceastralsmall [Lesser Astral Essence] 15% 1-2x Inv enchant shardglimmeringsmall [Small Glimmering Shard] 10% [3]
26-30 Inv enchant dustsoul [Soul Dust] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant essenceastrallarge [Greater Astral Essence] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant shardglimmeringlarge [Large Glimmering Shard] 5% [4]
31-35 Inv enchant dustsoul [Soul Dust] 75% 2-5x Inv enchant essencemysticalsmall [Lesser Mystic Essence] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant shardglowingsmall [Small Glowing Shard] 5% [5]
36-40 Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant essencemysticallarge [Greater Mystic Essence] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant shardglowinglarge [Large Glowing Shard] 5% [6]
41-45 Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust] 75% 2-5x Inv enchant essencenethersmall [Lesser Nether Essence] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant shardradientsmall [Small Radiant Shard] 5% [7]
46-50 Inv enchant dustdream [Dream Dust] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant essencenetherlarge [Greater Nether Essence] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant shardradientlarge [Large Radiant Shard] 5% [8]
51-55 Inv enchant dustdream [Dream Dust] 75% 2-5x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard] 5% [9]
56-60 Illusion Dust 75% 1-2x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard] 5% [10]
61-65 Illusion Dust 75% 2-5x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence] 20% 2-3x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard] 5% [11]
79 Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant essencearcanesmall [Lesser Planar Essence] 22% 1-2x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard] 3% [12]
80-99 Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 75% 2-3x Inv enchant essencearcanesmall [Lesser Planar Essence] 22% 2-3x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard] 3% [13]
100-120 Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 75% 2-5x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence] 22% 1-2x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard] 3% [14]
130-151 Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 75% 2-3x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence] 22% 1-2x Inv enchant dreamshard 01 [Small Dream Shard] 3% [15]
152-200 Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 75% 4-7x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence] 22% 1-2x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard] 3% [16]
272-333 Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust] 75% 1-5x Inv misc lesseressence [Lesser Celestial Essence] 25% 1-3x [17]


Dust Essence Shard Craftable
iLvl Result Prob Qty Result Prob Qty Result Prob
6-15 Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence] 80% 1-2x [18]
16-20 Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust] 20% 2-3x Inv enchant essencemagiclarge [Greater Magic Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant shardglimmeringsmall [Small Glimmering Shard] 5% [19]
21-25 Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust] 15% 4-6x Inv enchant essenceastralsmall [Lesser Astral Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant shardglimmeringsmall [Small Glimmering Shard] 10% [20]
26-30 Inv enchant dustsoul [Soul Dust] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant essenceastrallarge [Greater Astral Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant shardglimmeringlarge [Large Glimmering Shard] 5% [21]
31-35 Inv enchant dustsoul [Soul Dust] 20% 2-5x Inv enchant essencemysticalsmall [Lesser Mystic Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant shardglowingsmall [Small Glowing Shard] 5% [22]
36-40 Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant essencemysticallarge [Greater Mystic Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant shardglowinglarge [Large Glowing Shard] 5% [23]
41-45 Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust] 20% 2-5x Inv enchant essencenethersmall [Lesser Nether Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant shardradientsmall [Small Radiant Shard] 5% [24]
46-50 Inv enchant dustdream [Dream Dust] 20% 1-2x Inv enchant essencenetherlarge [Greater Nether Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant shardradientlarge [Large Radiant Shard] 5% [25]
51-55 Inv enchant dustdream [Dream Dust] 22% 2-5x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard] 3% [26]
56-60 Illusion Dust 22% 1-2x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard] 3% [27]
61-65 Illusion Dust 22% 2-5x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence] 75% 2-3x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard] 3% [28]
80-99 Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 22% 2-3x Inv enchant essencearcanesmall [Lesser Planar Essence] 75% 2-3x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard] 3% [29]
100-120 Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 22% 2-5x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard] 3% [30]
130-151 Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 22% 2-3x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant dreamshard 01 [Small Dream Shard] 3% [31]
152-200 Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 22% 4-7x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence] 75% 1-2x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard] 3% [32]
306 Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust] 37% 1-4x Inv misc lesseressence [Lesser Celestial Essence] 63% 1-4x e.g. [33]


  • Shards and crystals disenchanted from rare items are always 1x quantity.
iLvl Result Prob
1-25 Inv enchant shardglimmeringsmall [Small Glimmering Shard] 100%
26-30 Inv enchant shardglimmeringlarge [Large Glimmering Shard] 100%
31-35 Inv enchant shardglowingsmall [Small Glowing Shard] 100%
36-40 Inv enchant shardglowinglarge [Large Glowing Shard] 100%
41-45 Inv enchant shardradientsmall [Small Radiant Shard] 100%
46-50 Inv enchant shardradientlarge [Large Radiant Shard] 100%
51-55 Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard] 100%
56-65 Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard] 99.5%
Inv enchant shardnexuslarge [Nexus Crystal] 0.5%
66-99 Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard] 99.5%
Inv enchant shardnexuslarge [Nexus Crystal] 0.5%
100-115 Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard] 99.5%
Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal] 0.5%
130-166 Inv enchant dreamshard 01 [Small Dream Shard] 100%
167-200 Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard] 100%
279-316 Inv misc smallshard superior [Small Heavenly Shard] 100%
318-352 Inv misc largeshard superior [Heavenly Shard] 100%


  • Except for iLevel 76-80 weapons, weapons and armor share the same probabilities.
  • All epic items have 100% chance of DE into the item listed for their level.
iLvl Result Qty Notes
40-45 Inv enchant shardradientsmall [Small Radiant Shard] 2-4x
46-50 Inv enchant shardradientlarge [Large Radiant Shard] 2-4x
51-55 Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard] 2-4x
56-60 Inv enchant shardnexuslarge [Nexus Crystal] 1x
61-88 Inv enchant shardnexuslarge [Nexus Crystal] 1-2x 76-80 Weapons: 33% 1x, 67% 2x
90-100 Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal] 1-2x
105-164 Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal] 1-2x 33% 1x, 67% 2x
185-199 Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal] 1-2x
200-284 Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal] 1x
285-359 Inv misc crystalepic [Maelstrom Crystal] 1x
360+ Inv misc crystalepic [Maelstrom Crystal] 1-2x

See also[]
