Throw a Divine Star forward 27 yds, healing allies in its path for (70% of Spell power) and dealing (56% of Spell power) Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination, the Divine Star returns to you, healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. Healing reduced beyond 6 targets.
The Star begins at the priest's location, and once its journey is complete, returns to the priest's location - wherever the priest may be by then. Skillful players can therefore alter the Star's path to take in more or different targets, by altering their own position.
For Discipline and Holy priests, the Star will always heal the casting priest twice; once when it is launched, and once when it returns. In this way Divine Star is a very handy and reliable self-healing cooldown, with a high HPS, that can be cast while on the move - although it is somewhat expensive.
Tips and tactics[]
Divine Star's effectiveness relies heavily on the position and orientation of the priest relative to the desired targets, with closely-knit clusters of targets yielding the largest total effect.
Divine Star can be a fast and effective ability even in solo combat. Even against single targets, its damage will usually outstrip the priest's filler attacks.
Divine Star can be used to pull rogues and Feral druids out of stealth, but may require careful aiming.
Patch changes[]
Hotfix (2023-05-09):Fixed an issue Divine Star to appear in the incorrect Spellbook.
Patch 10.1.0 (2023-05-02): Divine Star and [Halo] should now properly override the other on your Action Bar when swapping talents.
Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Now a row 8 class talent (was a level 45 Discipline/Holy talent).