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AllianceDoc Marrtens
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Title <Veterinarian>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-60 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Doctor
Location Stormsong Valley

Doc Marrtens is a human located in Stormsong Valley.


  • Inv misc bandage 05 Bandage — Heals damage.
  • Ability butcher gushingwounds Boils and Sores — Causes the target to bleed for Physical damage over 10 sec.
  • Ability creature disease 02 Gangrene — The victim suffers Shadow damage over 9 sec.
  • Spell nature insect swarm2 Malaria — The victim succumbs to fever. All damage taken by the victim is increased 20% for 10 sec.
  • Inv misc bandage 08 Recently Bandaged — Cannot be bandaged again.
  • Trade archaeology decorated leather boot heel Steel-Toed Boots — Kicks the wind out of the victim, preventing any attacks or spell casts for 3 sec.
  • Inv misc surgeonglove 01 Surgeon's Hands — A master of his craft, Doc Marrtens strikes with either hand, often afflicting his victims with some strange malady he has seen during his life as a doctor.


Objective of[]


  • Doc Martens says: Here, this will stop the bleeding for now...

<The doctor turns to you, his voice a whisper.>

They're hurt real bad. We can't move 'em, not in their condition. The best thing I can do is patch 'em up and try to make a break for it.

It's madness up there...

Gossip I hear something...

Jakala the Cruel says: What we be havin' here? Some humans, weak and ripe for da slaughter?
Doc Martens says: Not like this...
The doc runs away.
Jakala the Cruel says: Oh, yes. Warchief's orders. No survivors.
Jakala killed
Doc Martens says: Thank you. We can't move the wounded just yet, but you bought us valuable time.


  • Reference to the Dr. Martens footwear and clothing brand.

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