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HordeDon't Kill the Fat One
Start Kilrath
End Unkor the Ruthless
Level 15-30
Category Terokkar Forest
Experience 11000 EXP (or 6g 60s at level 70)
Previous H [15-30] The Impotent Leader
Next H [15-30] Success!


Kilrath in Terokkar Forest has asked that you kill 10 Boulderfist Invaders and beat Unkor the Ruthless until he talks.


I have been watching these beasts for days. The fat one says that he is waiting for something. What he is waiting for, however, is a mystery.

I have a plan but it is going to involve some violence on your part. You will need to kill several of his subordinates and then beat him within an inch of his life. Do this and I am certain he will tell us everything that we need to know.


Let me live and I'll tell you whatever you want to know!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 11000 XP (or 6g 60s at level 70)


  • The quest is turned in at Unkor after he submits and 10 infiltrators have been slain. Unkor will submit when he reaches approximately 30% health, at which point he becomes friendly. He will run off after about 5 minutes, so save him until all infiltrators have been slain.
  • It has been reported[1] that if Unkor reaches 30% health while disabled (Spell shadow possession [Fear], stun, etc.) or if he is DoTted he will not properly submit and quest credit will not be awarded. If this is the case, he will reset after about 5 minutes. Try to use only direct-damage attacks and avoid crowd control.
  • When Unkor is successfully defeated, he will say:
I give up! Please don't kill me!


  1. H [15-30] The Impotent Leader
  2. A [15-30] Do My Eyes Deceive Me or H [15-30] Don't Kill the Fat One (+500 reputation)
  3. A [15-30] Not On My Watch! or H [15-30] Success! (+1000)
  4. A [15-30] Mo'mor the Breaker or H [15-30] Because Kilrath is a Coward (+20)
  5. A [15-30] The Ruins of Burning Blade or H [15-30] Message in a Battle (+500)
  6. A [15-30] The Twin Clefts of Nagrand or H [15-30] An Audacious Advance (+700)
  7. B [15-30] Diplomatic Measures (+300)
  8. N [15-30] Ruthless Cunning
  9. N [15-30] Body of Evidence & N [15-30] Returning the Favor
  10. A [15-30] Message to Telaar or H [15-30] Message to Garadar (+700)


  1. ^ [1]

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