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Inv misc questionmark
  • Draconium Encased Samophlange
  • Item Level 317Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Binds when equipped
  • Engineering Tool
  • Equip: +6 Engineering Skill.
  • Use: Recklessly, but nonetheless effectively, remove a Tinker module from its socket for later use.
  • "A needlessly complicated omnitool coveted by any Engineer worth their bolts."
  • Sell Price: 1g

Draconium Encased Samophlange is a profession tool for Engineering made with Dragon Isles Engineering; taught by Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Schematic: Draconium Encased Samophlange].

Materials required ( 20 40 42 45 ):
Inv 10 engineering manufacturedparts gizmo fireironbolts black 1x [Handful of Serevite Bolts] Inv 10 engineering manufacturedparts spring uprez [Shock-Spring Coil]
Inv 10 engineering manufacturedparts gear uprez [Greased-Up Gears] Inv ore draconium [Draconium Ore]
OptionalReagent-Plus [Specify a Secondary Stat]
OptionalReagent-Plus 9

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