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"Draenor Enchanting" redirects here. For the item, see Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Enchanting].
Enchanting Icon Enchanting (Profession)
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Enchanting formulas

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Draenor Enchanting proficiency can be trained as early as level 88, permits progression up to 100 skill, and access to the following formulas:

Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv misc book 08 [Secret of Draenor Enchanting] Currency 3x Inv enchanting wod dust3 [Draenic Dust] 1 1 50 100 Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Enchanting]
Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal] Crafting material 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 1 50 100 Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Enchanting]
Breath of Critical Strike (cloak) Back 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Breath of Critical Strike]
Breath of Critical Strike (neck) Neck 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Breath of Critical Strike]
Breath of Critical Strike (ring) Finger 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Enchanting]
Breath of Haste (cloak) Back 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Breath of Haste]
Breath of Haste (neck) Neck 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Breath of Haste]
Breath of Haste (ring) Finger 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Enchanting]
Breath of Mastery (cloak) Back 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Breath of Mastery]
Breath of Mastery (neck) Neck 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Breath of Mastery]
Breath of Mastery (ring) Finger 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Enchanting]
Breath of Versatility (cloak) Back 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Breath of Versatility]
Breath of Versatility (neck) Neck 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Breath of Versatility]
Breath of Versatility (ring) Finger 1x Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] 1 25 28 30 Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Enchanting]
Inv enchanting wod crystalshard3 [Luminous Shard] Crafting material 20x Inv enchanting wod dust3 [Draenic Dust] 1 25 28 30 Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Enchanting]
Inv enchant dustspirit [Enchanted Dust] Crafting material 1x Inv enchanting wod dust3 [Draenic Dust] 1 50 75 100 Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Enchanting]
Gift of Critical Strike (cloak) Back 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswind tong [Sorcerous Air]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Gift of Critical Strike]
Gift of Critical Strike (neck) Neck 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcerersfire tong [Sorcerous Fire]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Gift of Critical Strike]
Gift of Critical Strike (ring) Finger 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswater tong [Sorcerous Water]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Gift of Critical Strike]
Gift of Haste (cloak) Back 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcerersearth tong [Sorcerous Earth]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Gift of Haste]
Gift of Haste (neck) Neck 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswind tong [Sorcerous Air]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Gift of Haste]
Gift of Haste (ring) Finger 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcerersfire tong [Sorcerous Fire]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Gift of Haste]
Gift of Mastery (cloak) Back 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswater tong [Sorcerous Water]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Gift of Mastery]
Gift of Mastery (neck) Neck 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcerersearth tong [Sorcerous Earth]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Gift of Mastery]
Gift of Mastery (ring) Finger 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswind tong [Sorcerous Air]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Gift of Mastery]
Gift of Versatility (cloak) Back 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswind tong [Sorcerous Air]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Gift of Versatility]
Gift of Versatility (neck) Neck 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcerersfire tong [Sorcerous Fire]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Gift of Versatility]
Gift of Versatility (ring) Finger 3x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswater tong [Sorcerous Water]
4x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Gift of Versatility]
Mark of Blackrock Weapon 5x Inv tradeskillitem sorcerersearth tong [Sorcerous Earth]
3x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv scroll 05 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of Blackrock]
Mark of Bleeding Hollow Weapon 10x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswind tong [Sorcerous Air]
15x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv scroll 05 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of Bleeding Hollow]
Mark of Shadowmoon Weapon 5x Inv tradeskillitem sorcerersfire tong [Sorcerous Fire]
3x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv scroll 05 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of Shadowmoon]
Mark of the Frostwolf Weapon 10x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswater tong [Sorcerous Water]
15x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv scroll 05 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of the Frostwolf]
Mark of the Shattered Hand Weapon 1x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal] 1 100 100 100 Inv scroll 03 [Draenor Enchanting]
Mark of the Thunderlord Weapon 10x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswind tong [Sorcerous Air]
15x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv scroll 05 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of the Thunderlord]
Spell holy greaterheal [Mark of Warsong] Weapon 10x Inv tradeskillitem sorcerersfire tong [Sorcerous Fire]
15x Inv enchanting wod crystal [Temporal Crystal]
1 100 100 100 Inv scroll 05 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of Warsong]