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NeutralDragon Isles Cooking
End Head Chef Stacks[76.4, 35.8]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip
Level 60-62
Category The Waking Shores


<Head Chef Stacks makes a series of cooking-related sounds and gestures. His whisks whirl! His burners bluster and spit! He bangs on his frying pan with the gravity of a great gong!

The entire inn applauds his wisdom.

In watching this elaborate pantomime, you find yourself miraculously better at cooking.>


Despite the quest text, this does not automatically teach Dragon Isles Cooking. Speak with the head chef again:

<Head Chef stacks greets you with a hearty clang of an oven door and some enthusiastic spatula-waving.
Or at least, you're pretty sure it's a greeting.>

Trainer Can you, um... teach me how to cook?

Dragon Isles Cooking requires level 60, Cooking (1) and costs 100g to train, then recipes start at 50g and go up from there.

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