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AllianceDragonkin Menace
Start Helendis Riverhorn
End Helendis Riverhorn
Level 54 (Requires 48)
Category Burning Steppes
Experience 7900
Reputation +250 Darnassus
Rewards 1g 65s
Next A [54] The True Masters

This quest started the quest chain The Great Masquerade, leading to the Inv jewelry talisman 11 [Drakefire Amulet] and admission to Onyxia's Lair.


Slay 15 Black Broodlings, 10 Black Dragonspawn, 4 Black Wyrmkin and 1 Black Drake. Return to Helendis Riverhorn when the task is complete.


Life in the Burning Steppes is rife with conflict.

Just look at this place! We know very little of what happened to these buildings, but we do know that at one time, before the great explosion, this was all part of the Redridge mountain range.

Enough lamenting! We have a problem, <name>. You may have noticed the dragonkin below this ridge. We need assistance in pushing them back. Kill as many as you can and return to me. Succeed and perhaps we can talk of other things.


Superb slaying, <name>. Now that we know you can handle yourself around dragonkin, we can talk of more pressing matters.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. A [54] Dragonkin Menace
  2. A [54] The True Masters
  3. A [54] The True Masters
  4. A [54] The True Masters
  5. A [54] The True Masters
  6. A [54] The True Masters
  7. A [54] The True Masters
  8. A [54D] Marshal Windsor
  9. A [54D] Abandoned Hope
  10. A [58D] A Crumpled Up Note
  11. A [58D] A Shred of Hope
  12. A [58D] Jail Break!
  13. A [60R] Stormwind Rendezvous
  14. A [60R] The Great Masquerade
  15. A [60R] The Dragon's Eye
  16. A [60R] Drakefire Amulet

Patch changes[]

  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Removed.
    If you still have the quest Drakefire Amulet in your log from pre 3.0.2, you can still complete that section.

See also[]

  • Dragonkin Menace TCG card

External links[]
