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NecrolordDrive A Dredge Between Them
Start Baroness Draka
End Baroness Draka
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Necrolord Campaign
Experience 9,450
Rewards 51g 48s
Previous N [60] You're Dead To Me
Next N [60] It's Treason, Then




Big Shiny

Big Shiny

Kill the 3 large dredgers.


First, we ruin their operation. Questions can come later.

I scouted from the overlook as we rode in. Necromancers charge crystals full of siphoned anima. Three dredgers stack them onto carts.

Kill those dredgers and everything will grind to a halt.


You will receive:

  • 51g 48s
  • 9,450 XP


Are you ready?


Well done.


The giant dredgers are, well, giants. They're fairly noticeable in Death's End. Each one grants 10% quest progress for N [60] A Farewell to Arms.

Draka and Kael have a brief conversation after you kill Heftor:

Baroness Draka says: Kael'thas, you were a ruler on Azeroth? My time there was... brief. I spent most of my life on Draenor.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: My father and I ruled the finest kingdom in all the world. Until it was decimated by Arthas Menethil and the lich Kel'Thuzad.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I sought to restore the glory of my people. In hindsight, the bargains I struck may have been... regrettable.


  1. N [60] Blood from a Bone
  2. N [60] Accusatory Missive
  3. N [60] You're Dead To Me
  4. N [60] A Farewell to Arms, N [60] Drive A Dredge Between Them
  5. N [60] It's Treason, Then
  6. N [60] Pauldrons of Imperium

Previous versions[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.
Beta description
This size of this operation astounds me. To think the liches managed all this, and the Necrolords went completely unaware...
First order: shut everything down. We can ask questions when we know the wheels of progress have broken.
Look around--necromancers charge our crystals full of siphoned anima. Three dredgers stack them onto carts.
Kill those dredgers. Operations will grind to a halt.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
