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AllianceDrungeld Glowerglare
Start Forba Slabchisel [57.4, 71.6]VZ-WetlandsBlip
End Forba Slabchisel [57.4, 71.6]VZ-WetlandsBlip
Level 10-30
Category Wetlands
Experience 1,400
Reputation +250 Ironforge
Rewards Inv bracer 30a [Addled Blotter Bracers]
or Inv belt 37b [Bad Belt]
or Inv pants 05 [Surveyor's Leggings]
or Inv belt 37b [Bad Waistguard]
Previous A [10-30] Fight the Flood
Next A [10-30] Get Out Of Here, Stalkers


Kill Drungeld Glowerglare and take his beard.


The Dark Iron clan is up to no good out here. And if that surprises you, you're thicker than the addled blotters over in that tent. Muradin may pay lip service to those sooty cretins back in Ironforge, but out here all bets are off.

We had a raid against the camp last night, and one raid is too many. Their leader's a stout fellow by the name of Glowerglare, and he's hiding in the cave on the south bank of the river.

Bring me Glowerglare's beard as proof he's no longer a threat to us and Ironforge.

("Drungeld Glowerglare: Get his beard. That's right, his beard.")


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv bracer 30a [Addled Blotter Bracers] Inv belt 37b [Bad Belt]
Inv pants 05 [Surveyor's Leggings] Inv belt 37b [Bad Waistguard]

You will also receive:


Let's see it, then.


Good riddance to bad rubbish! I'll burn the foul thing later so it doesn't stink up the camp.


  1. A [10-30] Checking on the Boys / A [10-30] Hero's Call: Wetlands! (optional breadcrumb to Dun Algaz)
  2. A [10-30] The Stolen Keg & A [10-30] Cleaning Hovel
  3. A [10-30] Keg Run (optional breadcrumb to Slabchisel's Survey)
  4. A [10-30] Fight the Flood & A [10-30] Sedimentary, My Dear & A [10-30] Thresh Out of Luck
  5. A [10-30] Drungeld Glowerglare & A [10-30] A Dumpy Job & A [10-30] Fenbush Berries
  6. A [10-30] Get Out Of Here, Stalkers & A [10-30] Down In Thelgen Rock & A [10-30] Incendicite Ore
  7. A [10-30] Onwards to Menethil (optional breadcrumb to Menethil Harbor)

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