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Drywhisker Gorge
Drywhisker Gorge
Main leader IconSmall Kobold Geomancer Flintdagger (presumed)
Race(s) Kobold Kobold
Base of operations Drywhisker Gorge
Theater of operations Arathi Highlands

The Drywhiskers are a group of kobolds found in the Arathi Highlands.

They're allied with the mountain giants Fozruk and Thenan who trapped Myzrael deep beneath the Arathi Highlands. They have Iridescent Shards, shards like Shards of Myzrael, deep within the cave in their Drywhisker Gorge.[1]

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

By the time of the Battle for Stromgarde, the Drywhisker kobolds still remained active in this region. Among them, Geomancer Flintdagger and Overseer Krix were priority targets.[2][3] Krix eventually succumbed to his opponents, and the Ability mount ridinghorse [Lil' Donkey] that was to be his dinner was saved and found a new home.[4]

The kobolds attacked the Horde at Drywhisker Mine right outside the Horde's new settlement Ar'gorok, and the Alliance at Galson's Lode outside Stromgarde Keep.



Name Role Status Location
NeutralIconSmall Kobold Flintdagger Leader (presumed), Geomancer Killable Drywhisker Gorge, Arathi Highlands
NeutralIconSmall Kobold Krix Overseer Killable-Deceased Drywhisker Gorge, Arathi Highlands
NeutralIconSmall Kobold Feeboz Escort of Fozruk Unknown Unknown
NeutralIconSmall Kobold Sleeby Escort of Fozruk Unknown Unknown
NeutralIconSmall Kobold Znort Escort of Fozruk Unknown Unknown



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

If the kobolds came from the troggs as speculated by Brann Bronzebeard,[5][6] the Drywhisker's alliance with the mountain giants against a servant of the Old Gods may be a remnant of their origins.

