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NeutralDug Digger
Image of Dug Digger
Race Kobold (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bluewax
Location Candle Rock, Highmountain
Status Deceased

Dug Digger is a Bluewax kobold found in Candle Rock in Highmountain during N [10-45] Candle of Command and N [10-45] Burn the Candle at Both Ends. He claims to be the best digger in Candle Rock, but Intern Jackie says that while he's good enough, he is not the best.

During N [10-45] Candle of Command, Dug is the fourth and final kobold to appear to be offered a job by the adventurer. During N [10-45] Burn the Candle at Both Ends, he has been gone for an unusually long amount of time, and so the adventurer is sent to find him. In the southern part of the cave, the champion finds Dug's lifeless body. After checking his pulse to no avail, the adventurer continues on to seek out Kindle Candlecrafter instead.


N [10-45] Candle of Command
Dug Digger says: You pick best digger!
Intern Jackie says: Dug not best. Dug good enough though.

When spoken to:

I mine! You no take pickaxe! Where you want rocks dug? Want the metals? Pick a little dull.
  • Gossip Use your pickaxe to mine precious metals from the richest vein in the cavern, and bring the samples back to me.
Boss no sound like kobold.
  • Gossip Dig rocks, find pretties! More pretty is better.


Dug Digger is an obvious reference to Dig Dug.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Candle of Command Burn the Candle at Both Ends