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NeutralDying Dreams
Start Lady Moonberry [60.0, 53.0]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
End Lord Herne [47.9, 53.8]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 3,400
Rewards 12g 63s 60c
Previous N [55-60] Battle for Hibernal Hollow
Next N [55-60] Awaken the Dreamer


Take Ysera's wildseed to the Heart of the Forest.


We have lost so much... and this one is special.

<Moonberry looks at you, resolute. Her voice is strangely formal, her manner commanding.>

Come, <name>. We will carry her on the Path of Rebirth and entreat the Queen to save her.

Hurry and make preparations. We have little time.


You will receive:

  • 12g 63s 60c
  • 3,400 XP


Well met, stranger. You arrive in... interesting times.

<Herne snorts a laugh.>

And with equally interesting company.


Speak with Moonberry again:

We must get Ysera's wildseed to the Queen, it's her only hope!
Gossip I am ready to go.

Aliothe, Moonberry, Korayn, Niya, and Ara'lon escort Ysera's wildseed up the western road as the fae of the forest follow along:

Lady Moonberry says: I once said that your voice is but one bird singing in the night.
Lady Moonberry says: Well... I think it's time we all sang with you.

At the Heart of the Forest, the party stops as Lord Herne approaches:

Lord Herne says: Moonberry. Here to play more tricks? Or are there serious matters at hand?
Lady Moonberry says: Matters most serious, I'm afraid.
Lady Moonberry says: Lord Herne, we request an audience with the Winter Queen.


  1. N [55-60] The Forest Has Eyes and N [55-60] The Droman's Call
  2. N [55-60] Missing!
  3. N [55-60] Enemies at the Gates
  4. N [55-60] Battle for Hibernal Hollow
  5. N [55-60] Dying Dreams
  6. N [55-60] Awaken the Dreamer
  7. N [55-60] The Court of Winter
  8. N [55-60] The Queen's Request

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