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NeutralEbon Scales / Sundered Flame
Main leader IconSmall Dracthyr Scalecommander Emberthal
  Formerly IconSmall Dracthyr Scalecommander Sarkareth †
Secondary leaders IconSmall Dracthyr Winglord Dezran
Race(s) IconSmall Dracthyr Dracthyr
IconSmall TarasekBlack Tarasek
IconSmall DrakonidRed2 Drakonid
IconSmall SpawnBlue2 MaleIconSmall SpawnBlue2 Female Dragonspawn
IconSmall ProtoWhite Proto-dragon
Affiliation Independent
  Formerly Black dragonflight

The Ebon Scales are a dracthyr weyrn that were originally charged with bringing destruction to the enemies of the black dragonflight, raining down fire and unleashing spellcraft upon those who would stand against the Earth-Warder.[1] After awakening from their confinement like the rest of the dracthyr, they felt betrayed by their former Aspect and decided to cut off ties with the dragonflights, departing and renaming themselves the Sundered Flame. Led by Scalecommander Sarkareth, the Flame went on a quest to reclaim their legacy and obtain the secrets of Neltharion for themselves, entering into open conflict with the inhabitants of the Dragon Isles or anyone who would stand in their way, including their former kin.

Following Sarkareth's death in Aberrus, Scalecommander Emberthal and Winglord Dezran embraced the lost, surviving members of the Sundered Flame and they re-took their original name, the Ebon Scales.


The Ebon Scales[]

Following the creation of the Dracthyr by Neltharion, the Ebon Scales were created to serve by bringing destruction upon the enemies of the black dragonflight. Upon the destruction of the Oathbinder, Neltharion ordered the dracthyr into their creches beneath the Forbidden Reach, where they were sealed away by Malygos in magical stasis and watched over by his blue dragonflight. They remained there, abandoned and forgotten for nearly 20,000 years,[2] awakened from their long slumber only when the Primalists returned to break Raszageth free, as an ancient, magical surge rippled through the Forbidden Reach, the dracthyr awoke, but from their long stasis their memories became a blur.[3][4]

Upon their awakening the Ebon Scales seemingly destroyed the blue dragons imprisoning them, only to be confronted by Ekrazathal. However, with the timely arrival of a group of dracthyr led by Scalecommander Azurathel, the dracthyr were able to defeat their foe.[5] However, in the aftermath, Scalecommander Sarkareth stubbornly remarked that "They will only take orders from Neltharion", but did agree to work with their fellow dracthyr, Ebyssian, and Wrathion in combating the Primalists.[6] During the conflict the dracthyr learned of Neltharion's death and a powerful storm unleashed by Raszageth forced them to evacuate the Forbidden Reach, the only home they ever knew.[7] In the aftermath, Sarkareth declared that their vow to serve the dragons was sundered, just as Neltharion had broken their promises to them. He then subsequently renamed the Ebon Scales to the Sundered Flame and vowed that they would claim their destiny by rights.

The Sundered Flame[]

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

As the Sundered Flame, the weyrn struck out against the denizens of the Dragon Isles in their quest to uncover the secrets of Neltharion whilst also claiming their place in the world with the power they gather, find or steal. They also rebelled against the rule of dragons over lesser dragonkin and recruited lesser dragonkin into their cause.[citation needed] 

Some of them investigated the Nelthazan Ruins, but went mad because of the whispers of Deathwing's Black Locus.[8] Others in the Azure Span were investigating the Lost Ruins to find the Valthrux, another powerful artifact,[9] while more Sundered Flame agents were busy seeking the power of Karnthar to unleash it on the Dragonscale Expedition.[10] A group of Sundered Flame also laid siege to the Cobalt Assembly, where Venderthvan feeling that his clutch mates had gone too far in their quest for power asked adventures to stop them, while he took care of a group of blue dragon whelps.[11] Another group led by Telash Greywing invaded the Azure Vault under the false belief that their was a power hidden within, when in reality the simulacrum of Sindragosa was hiding the existence of Umbrelskul.

Meanwhile, Sarkareth himself caught wind of the Dragonscale Expedition investigating a titan vault and snuck into Valdrakken and stole a Inv misc book 16 [Watcher Log] under the belief that the information inside would them power from the titans.[12] With information from the log, he sent Sundered Flame agents to the Zelthrak Outpost in the Azure Span, Szar Skeleth in the Ohn'ahran Plains, and the Veiled Ossuary in Thaldraszus in order the fragments needed to open the vault.[13] However with their aid of the allies, the Dragonscale Expedition was able to secure the stone and the vault for themselves. However, the Sundered Flame used this to their advantage by simply stealing their research information on the vault itself.[14]

Following the death of Raszageth, the storms surrounding the Forbidden Reach vanished, opening the way for the Sundered Flame to return. During this time they clashed against the Dragonscale Expedition, their fellow dracthyr led by Scalecommander Emberthal, and their allies, as they acquired information about Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. After the Primal Incarnates opened the way into the Zaralek Cavern, the Sundered Flame was able to claim Aberrus and bolster the forces with the remnants of Neltharion's loyalists that remained within the crucible. However as the Sundered Flame carried out their invasion, Sarkareth found himself falling under the sway of the void, causing other members of the Sundered Flame like Amythora and Marithos to defect after he tried to enslave them with the Oathbinder and abandoned them when it was destroyed.[15]

In time the black dragonflight and their allies led by Sabellian and Wrathion invaded Aberrus and killed a great number of Sundered Flame agents, including Sarkareth himself.

The Ebon Scales reborn[]

Emberthal and former Sundered Flame dracthyr discovered a group of Sundered Flame in the Azure Span who were still aligned with Sarkareth's ideals because, while they had learned news of Sarkareth's demise, they did not know the circumstances of his death.[16] Before the dracthyr could make violence upon one another, Winglord Dezran told them that Sarkareth's path had only led to ruin, and that it was time for the Sundered Flame to become the Ebon Scales again under the command of Scalecommander Emberthal.[17] In the aftermath, the Ebon Scales made their way to Valdrakken and reunited with their fellow dracthyr.



  1. ^ Edict: Ebon Scales
  2. ^ Scalecommander Azurathel#Quotes: Dervishian says: Did... did you ask Nozdormu how long we slept?Scalecommander Emberthal says: Nearly twenty thousand years.
  3. ^ N [60-62] Lessons From Our Past
  4. ^ Dragonflight Zone Preview: The Forbidden Reach
  5. ^ N IconSmall Dracthyr MaleIconSmall Dracthyr Female Evoker [58-60] The Ebon Scales
  6. ^ N IconSmall Dracthyr MaleIconSmall Dracthyr Female Evoker [58-60] Rally to Emberthal
  7. ^ N IconSmall Dracthyr MaleIconSmall Dracthyr Female Evoker [58-60] Final Orders
  8. ^ N [62-65] Competing Company
  9. ^ N [65-68] What the Guardian Beholds
  10. ^ N [65-68] Running Out of Time
  11. ^ N [70] A Helping Claw
  12. ^ N [70] A Helping Claw
  13. ^ N [70] Speak to Koranos
  14. ^ N [70] Unusual Suspects
  15. ^ N [70] Singed
  16. ^ N [70] A Single Wing
  17. ^ N [70] Urgent Exfiltration