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MobEcho of Khazaduum
Image of Echo of Khazaduum
Gender Male
Race Eredar brute (Demon)
Level 45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Triumvirate's End, Eredath
Status Killable

The Echo of Khazaduum is located at Triumvirate's End in Eredath. It has draenei bodies impaled on his back. The real eredar brute Khazaduum is located beneath Nath'raxas Spire in Krokuun.


  • Burning Cleave - Cleaves all enemies in a cone in front of the caster, inflicting Fire damage and additional Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.


Objective of[]


  • Look upon perfection. This is the last gift you will reject!
  • This is the power you rejected!
  • Weaklings. I will show you the gravity of your mistake.
  • You are unworthy of the name eredar!
  • You will not bow? Then die!
  • Look upon perfection. This is the last gift you will reject!
  • This is the power you rejected!
  • Weaklings. I will show you the gravity of your mistake.
  • You are unworthy of the name eredar!
  • You will not bow? Then die!
  • Argus will... rise...
  • Embrace Sargeras!
  • I am not the last. The eredar... will rise...
  • Run... while you can.
  • Sargeras cannot be denied!
  • The Destroyer will find you...
  • The eredar... reign...
  • There is nowhere to run!
  • There is nowhere to run.
  • This will be the last gift you reject!
  • We will never stop...
  • Why is it... dark?
  • Yes! Flee! Flee!
  • You flee to the abyss, coward!
  • You will pay for your cowardice!
  • You... will never... escape...

Patch changes[]

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