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NeutralEchoes of Fate
Start Caretaker Kah-Than [56.9, 22.3]VZ-KorthiaBlip
End Caretaker Kah-Than [56.6, 17.5]VZ-KorthiaBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Korthia
Experience 8,150
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Redirect the Search
Next N [60] Under the Illusion
Unbroken Anima Container

Unbroken Anima Container


Resonate the Inv offhand 1h oribosdungeon c 01 [Fatescribe's Implement] at the shrines in the Sanctuary of Guidance.


Unburned Incense

Unburned Incense

The devourers have swarmed this place, but our focus must remain on finding the Fatescribe.

Attendants who worshipped here would leave offerings of anima at the shrines.

The implement you found will resonate if the Fatescribe has been nearby. With any luck, it will give us insight into where he has gone.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 8,150 XP


Small Offering

Small Offering

Using an illusion to hide.

Can you imagine anything so clever?


On accept:

Caretaker Kah-Than says: Mawsworn. Devourers. This place has seen its share of defilement.

In the area, look for Protector Rih-Mat, near death. He starts N [60] Revenge Delayed.

On the west end of the sanctuary, be on the lookout for the rare Dominated Protector.

On the east side of the sanctuary is the Unbroken Anima Container:

Fatescribe Roh-Kalo says: He has found us! Korthia is in grave peril!
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo says: Arbiter forgive me... but I have need of this anima.
Caretaker Kah-Than says: Why does he need the anima? Such a tedious plan!

In the middle is some Unburned Incense:

Fatescribe Roh-Kalo says: Eternal Ones, grant me your guidance and wisdom.
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo says: An illusion... yes, that might work. Hide in plain sight. Employ their own tactics against them.
Caretaker Kah-Than says: An illusion? How quaint.

To the northwest is a Small Offering:

Fatescribe Roh-Kalo says: I need a scroll from the vault, and the anima to fuel its magic...
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo says: May the Purpose shield me. And may they never find me.
Caretaker Kah-Than says: This way! Hurry!
Kah-Than walks southeast to a small cave.
Caretaker Kah-Than says: The Fatescribe! We have him!


  1. N [60] A Matter of Urgency
  2. N [60] The Last Place You Look, N [60] Rescued from Torment, N [60] Looting the Looters
  3. N [60] Redirect the Search
  4. N [60] Echoes of Fate
  5. N [60] Under the Illusion
  6. N [60] They Could Be Anyone

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