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NeutralElder Nazuun
Image of Elder Nazuun
Gender Female
Race Centaur (Humanoid)
Level 62-65
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Clan Teerai
Former affiliation(s) Clan Nokhud
Location Teerakai, Ohn'ahran Plains[41.64, 56.75]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
Status Alive
Relative(s) Jhakan (partner), Balakar (son), Balara (granddaughter), Batak (grandson)

Elder Nazuun is a centaur quest giver located outside a tent next to the river in northeastern Teerakai in the Ohn'ahran Plains. She sends adventurers to learn about the revered centaur ancestors Himia, the Blessed[1] and Rellen, The Learned.[2]

She then asks the adventurers to kill Balakar Khan and obtain his Medallion of the Ancestors. When the medallion is brought to her, Nazuun reveals that it once belonged to Jhakan Khan and that she herself is Jhakan's widow and Balakar's mother, having left Clan Nokhud after Balakar murdered Jhakan.[3]



Main article: The Nokhud Offensive: The Final Ancestor#Notes
Initial gossip
Our ancestors ride above and watch over their children for all of time. To know them is to know the centaur.
Their legends can be retold with the proper offerings.
Gossip after N [62-70D] The Nokhud Offensive: The Final Ancestor
<Nazuun is quiet, lost in grief.>
Jhakan believed that the medallion was a keepsake of honor and history, forged by the great ancestors. He had planned to gift it to Balakar on his coming of age day. They were together on a ritual hunt the night before.
When Balakar returned in the morning, alone and bloody, I was aghast. But like most of the clan, I believed my son when he retold how Jhakan tried to kill him, scared of being succeeded.
It was years later before he told me the truth in private. I left, and despaired.
Our traditions have long been overruled since Balakar took power. Bear the medallion well. Jhakan would consider you worthy of it.

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