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Image of Elios
Gender Male
Race Steward (Humanoid)
Level 51-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ascended
Location Hero's Rest, Bastion

Elios is a steward located at Hero's Rest in Bastion.



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Happy steward day!

We fix. We carry. We serve.

We stewards!

Gossip Who are we celebrating today?

He hard worker. Hammers things.
He has workshop near Eternal Forge.
Please give Ripe Purian fruit?
She sometimes sad. But she wisest of us all.
You find at Steward's Rest.
Please give Ripe Purian fruit?
He likes aspirants. Brings sweet juice.
You find near Aspirant's Crucible.
Please give Rinpe Purian fruit?
He know many things. He always studying scrolls.
You find at Temple of Humility.
Please give Ripe Purian fruit?
She stronger than the rest. She swole!
You find near the Cliffs of Respite.
Please give Ripe Purian fruit?
She remembers all things. Very wise.
You find her in Eonian Archives.
Please give Ripe Purian fruit?
He collects memories. Keeps them safe.
You find in Walk of Reflection.
Please give Ripe Purian fruit?
He love animals. Especially Kala.
You find in Garden of Respite.
Please give Ripe Purian fruit?
She finds old things, Fixes sometimes.
Usually working Agthia's Repose.
Please give Ripe Purian fruit?

Gossip What's a Steward of the Day?

Some days very special! You see my Golden Chest here, it a special day! On those days, we celebrate a steward.
You ask me who-hoo, then give them Ripe Purian. Come back, open chest! Yay!

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