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VenthyrEmber Court: Tubbins's Tea Party
Start Tubbins
End Tubbins
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Experience 9,450
Rewards Inv misc scrollrolled02c [Contract: Tubbins's Tea Party]
25g 74s
Previous N [60] Ember Court: Refreshments
Next N [60] Formal Refreshments


Collect the pristine water that Tubbins needs to prepare a special tea for the Ember Court.


Theotar need tea for party? Tubbins make best!

Special tea. Very special. Only I can make. Recipe need very good water from garden place. Good pool on special floaty island!

You go get and Tubbins makes tea!


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP
Inv misc scrollrolled02c [Contract: Tubbins's Tea Party]


Need special water to make special tea. Makes sense.


Mmm, water taste clean...

Like me! I'm cleanest!


Upon accept
Tubbins says: Tubbins always have hard part. Getting water easy!
Upon talking to Dwyl'ir
Dwyl'irs says: You must pass through the mushroom rings to reach the islands. Access is limited, but you may try.
Upon finding Marasmius
Marasmius says: Slow down there, young one.
You young ones, always moving, always noisy...
What is the cause of your ruckus this time?

Gossip Can you transport me to the islands with pure water?

Marasmius says: Not so fast, young one... I do not allow strangers to travel through my mycelial network willy-nilly.
Marasmius says: So show me something of your nature... are you a hard worker?
Marasmius says: Hard work makes even the mighty stretch and grow...
Upon completing the objectives
I saw your hard work through my mycelial network.
Wherever I am seen, I see... and you see me everywhere.
You ARE a hard worker.

Gossip Can you transport me to the islands with pure water?

Marasmius says: Very well, hard worker...
Marasmius says: Brace yourself... traveling on my mycelial network is... disorienting for first timers.
Upon arriving at the Distant Grotto
Marasmius says: I can take you back to the mainland after you have collected it.
The water you seek is up ahead...
If you have trouble reaching it, look for me there.
I am never far... and often willing to help...
After obtaining the water

Gossip Can you transport me back to the mainland?

Marasmius says: Hold your breath... and your stomach... Off you go...
Upon arrival in the Banks of Life
Marasmius says: Farewell, young one. Remember to work hard... and respect your elders...
Upon completion
Tubbins says: Now Tubbins make tea. Best tea! Everyone say how great I am!


  1. N [60] A New Court
  2. N [60] Ember Court Rehearsal
  3. Complete all of the following:
  4. N [60] The Ember Court

Patch changes[]

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