Zaralek Cavern zone map
The Embers of Neltharion campaign of the overarching Dragonflight campaign covers the major questlines added in patch 10.1.0, predominantly taking place in Zaralek Cavern. In patch 10.1.5, the storyline continues with the Fractures in Time campaign.
The campaign is six chapters long, tracked in the achievement [Embers of Neltharion]. The first three chapters were made available the week of 2 May 2023.
Breaking Ground[]

Breaking Ground begins the patch 10.1 portion of the campaign. The Incarnates have made their move, leading Alexstrasza to call upon you and the black dragonflight for aid.
[70] The Land Beneath
[70] A Crack in the World
[70] Where the Flames Fell
[70] Scar of Earth and Fire
[70] Rest Well, Warrior (optional)
[70] The Patience of Princes
[70] Culling the Deep &
[70] It Was Not Enough
[70] Niffen and Goliath
[70] Brother's Keeper
[70] Secrets From Our Father
[70] The Earth Gives Way
[70] Smells Like Loamm
[70] Orientation: Loamm Niffen &
[70] Welcome to the City of Smells
- Optional side quests
[70W] A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen,
[70] Get Rich Quick
[70] Tougher Down Under →
[70] Flightstones →
[70] Shadowflame Crests →
[70] Catching Up with Friends
- Optional side quests
[70] Six Hundred Feet Under
- Optional side quests
[70] Slime Time Live →
[70] Smells like Kith Spirit →
[70] Incense Gratification
[70] A Swallow's Tale → (optional storyline)
[70] Power Unified
- Optional side quests
Completing Six Hundred Feet Under once unlocks World Quests and other repeatable content in Zaralek Cavern account-wide.
Sundered Legacy[]

Scalecommanders Sarkareth and Emberthal inside Nal ks'kol
Ebyssian and Emberthal arrived in Loamm, pursuing the Sundered Flame to discover their purpose in the caves. Sabellian and Wrathion are caught up in their own plans, but you are ready to aid her.
[70] Future Aspects
[70] Save-A-Mole &
[70] Collating Their Research
[70] Whose Vault Is It Anyway?
[70] Charging Up
[70] Open That Door!
[70] Sundered Flames
[70] The Upper Hand
[70] Singed
[70] Aspects of Our Legacy
The Ancient Bargain[]

Sabellian has determined the most likely place to find Fyrakk and has asked you to join the hunt in the Zaqali Caldera.
[70] Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
[70] Sight Beyond Sight
[70] Legends of the Zaqali &
[70] Know Thy Enemy
[70] Take Out the Head
[70] Consequences
[70] Battlefield Triage
[70] Rushing Quality
[70] Shut Them Down &
[70] Alliance of Convenience
[70] A Scale for a Scale
[70] From Hell's Heart
[70] No Dragon Left Behind
[70] Raked Over the Coals
[70] The Endless Burning Sky
[70] In the Wake of the Ashes
Inherited Sin[]

Ebyssian taking pot shots at djaradin
Despite Alestrasza's worries about the risk of exposure to the shadowflame, Ebyssian insists the black dragons must contain any other threats that may reside in Aberrus. This chapter opened the week of 9 May 2023.
[70] Here We Go Again
[70] The Obsidian Rest
[70] Report: Battlefield Ruins
[70] Blow It Up &
[70] Thinning Their Defenses &
[70] Intercepting Communications
[70] Air Superiority
[70] Investigating the Unknown
[70] Break Them Out &
[70] Worst of the Worst
Inevitable Confrontation[]

Although Wrathion and Sabellian have gone their separate ways, Emberthal is still pursuing Sarkareth alone. Ebyssian has urged you to find her. This chapter opened the week of 9 May 2023.
[70] Fading Embers
[70] A Whisper to Sabellian
[70] Appealing to the Black Prince
[70] With Our Powers Combined
[70] Forward Camp &
[70] In the Right Hands &
[70] Wipe Them Out
[70] Finding Sarkareth
[70] Cracking His Shell
[70] Stopping Sarkareth
A Flame, Extinguished[]
While you have defeated many of the threats within Aberrus, some still linger. Sabellian and Wrathion must pick up the pieces, and forge a new future for the black dragonflight. This chapter opened the week of 23 May 2023 for players who defeated Scalecommander Sarkareth within Aberrus (or at any time thereafter), or the week of 13 June 2023 regardless of raid progress.
[70] A Flame, Extinguished
[70] Remnants,
[70] A Traitor's Due, &
[70] Honorbound
[70] Into the Dark
[70] All the Broken Pieces
[70] A Legacy, Reforged
[70] Symbol of Hope
Side quests[]
Medicinal Fungi[]

The situation at Dragonscale Camp
At the Dragonscale Camp in southwestern Zaralek, Veritistrasz and Voraxian have run across a wayward group of the Dragonscale Expedition.
[70] Medicinal Fungi &
[70] Healing Crystals
- Optional:
[70] Satiating Sharpbeak,
[70] Fallen Effects
- Optional:
[70] Cavernous Capers
[70] Bringing Disorder to Order &
[70] A Room Without a View
[70] Terrestrial Tunneling
[70] Respite
[70] A Tower Yonder
[70] Restless Death &
[70] A Ghastly Legacy &
[70] Cataloging Horror
[70] Stain Removal
[70] The Tale of Hraxian (next daily reset)
[70] Hraxian's Unbreakable Will
A Swallow's Tale[]
At the end of chapter one, a storyline involving the cruelty of change and new responsibilities opens up.
[70] A Swallow's Tale
[70] Flown the Coop &
[70] A Bitter Pill to Swallow
[70] Expedition Effervesta
[70] Suss Out the Imposter
[70] Best Friends
[70] The Heavy Crown
[70] Old Friends, Dear Friends
Glimmerogg Games[]

After reaching Loamm, players come across a breadcrumb to Glimmerogg:
Optional breadcrumb: [70] TICKET: Glimmerogg Games
[70] Pay to Play &
[70] Favor on the Side
[70] Flesh to Bone
[70] Rock By Rock
[70] Marked Champion
The Glimmerogg storyline continues at Renown 7 with [70] Off to the Track.
Hermit's Hovel[]

Rescuin' a sniffin' mouse
At Hermit's Hovel in south-central Zaralek, Yarren wants his sniffin' mouse back:
[70] Mouse Detective
[70] Agrulculture &
[70] Sporemoth Exterminator
[70] A Friendly Introduction
[70] An Unfriendly Confrontation
[70] Mouse Rescuers
Snail racing[]

Excitement at the snail race track
At Renown 7 with the Loamm Niffen, players unlock snail racing and the Glimmerogg Racer friendship faction!
[70] Off to the Track (at Renown 7)
[70] Come Snail Away &
[70W] A Race to the Finish
- Training dailies:
[70 Daily] A Snail's Pace
[70 Daily] All Terrain Snail
[70 Daily] Good for Goo
[70 Daily] Less Cargo
[70 Daily] Resistance Training
[70 Daily] Snail Mail
[70 Daily] The Slowest Fan Club
[70] Snailed It (at Professional)
Fyrakk Assaults[]

Suffusion Camp: Cinderwind
Unlocked the week of 9 May 2023, Fyrakk has started assaulting the Ohn'ahran Plains and the Azure Span on a weekly basis. Players are breadcrumbed to the event from Loamm.
[70] Fyrakk's Forces
[70] Suffusion Camp
- One of:
[70EWQ] Suffusion Camp: Cinderwind,
[70] Disciple of Fyrakk: Kretchenwrath, and three of:
[70] Aerial Support
[70] Aid Our Wounded
[70] Air Control
[70] Clear a Path
[70] Deny Them Resources
[70] Grand Theft Mammoth
[70] Make it Rain
[70] They Who Would Burn Us
[70] Volunteer Fire Fighters
[70EWQ] Suffusion Camp: Frostburn,
[70] Disciple of Fyrakk: Shadeisethal, and three of:
[70] Burning Ice
[70] Charge of the Ottuk Brigade
[70] Drive Them Before Us
[70] Hideaway No More
[70] Maintaining the Barricade
[70] Payback's a Mammoth
[70] Portal Combat
[70] To Defend the Span
Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy[]
A [Cracked Titan Gem] can drop from Scalecommander Sarkareth in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible for evokers. The lucky drop-holder gets to go on a collection quest (and complete a scenario) to acquire
[Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy], their first legendary.
[70] Neltharion's Legacy
[70] Memories of an Artifact
[70] It Takes a Village to Make an Artifact
[70] Temporal Gossamer (non-evokers)
[70] Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy
Tyr's Fall[]
Tyr's Fall is the second part of the overarching Tyr story. Players must have completed [70] The Silver Purpose for
[Friend of the Dragon Isles] to begin this storyline. Find Nozdormu at Tyrhold in Thaldraszus to pick up the story.
[70] Silver Mettle
[70] Breaching the Tomb
[70] The Remains of Tyr
[70] Keeper's Rest
[70] Tyr's Fall
[70] A Sliver of Silver
The storyline continues in patch 10.1.7 with the "Reforging the Tyr's Guard" chapter of the Fury Incarnate campaign.
The Veiled Ossuary[]
[70] Keeper of the Ossuary
[70] On the Trail Again
[70] Rolling Out
[70] Lest We Forget
[70] Sindragosa and Malygos's Rest
[70] Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos
[70] Archives Return
[70] Azuregos's Support
[70] Unusual Disruptions
[70] Archival Arrival
- Dragon Locator starting quests:
- Complete all of:
- Crystalsong
[70] Crystalsong Forest
[70] Regrets in Crystal
[70] Those We Left Behind &
[70] A Shattered Legacy
[70] An Arcane Requiem
[70] The Sound of Silence
- Booty Bay
[70] Booty Bay
[70] The Booty Bay Journal
[70] No Such Thing as Bad Luck
[70] Information is King
[70] Anyway, I Started Bribing
[70] Money, Money, Money! &
[70] Crystals Shmystals
[70] Settled with the Baron
[70] Zeroing Debt
- Jade Forest
[70] Jade Forest
[70] Warm Winds and Water
[70] Carp Care &
[70] Local Deliveries
[70] Up, Up, and Home
[70] Self Care
[70] A Drink with Kalecgos
[70] Blue is My Favorite Color
- Theramore
[70] Theramore
[70] The Sullied Banner
[70] Aftershocks &
[70] Creative Solutions
[70] Breaking the Cycle
[70] A Moment of Reflection
- Winterspring
[70] Winterspring
[70] A Protector of Magic
[70] Artifacts Abound
[70] Test Subject
[70] Owl of a Sudden
[70] A Wyrm Rest
[70] Back with the Blues
[70] Reunited Again
[70] Veiled Trouble
[70] Veiled Ossuary Chaos &
[70] Memories of Old
[70] What Still Remains
[70] Swiftly to the Archives
[70] The Last Conflict
[70] A Peaceful Farewell
After completing the storyline above and those who own the [Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest]:
[70] Tarecgosa's Rest
[70] Love Unending &
[70] Forget Her Not
[70] Rhapsody in Blue
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.1.0 (2023-05-02): Added.