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This article is about the in-game instance. For lore and history of the Emerald Nightmare, see Emerald Nightmare.
Emerald Nightmare
Emerald Nightmare loading screen
Location Val'sharah, Broken Isles
Race(s) IconSmall NightmareSatyrIconSmall Satyr Satyr
IconSmall NightmareCenarian MaleIconSmall NightmareCenarian Female Cenarius' Children
Night elfNight elf Night elf
Green dragon Green dragon
IconSmall DireFurbolg Furbolg
IconSmall NightmareAncient Ancients
IconSmall NightmareFaceless N'raqi
End boss IconSmall Xavius2 Xavius
Instance info
Type Raid
Player limit 10-30

Emerald Nightmare is located in Val'sharah with its source being located at the tainted World Tree, Shaladrassil. From here the Nightmare Lord Xavius and his loyal satyr spread the corruption across both Emerald Dream and the physical world.

This instance opened on September 20th, 2016. Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder wing 1 opened on September 27th, 2016. Raid Finder wing 2 opened on October 4, 2016 (one week earlier than had been previously scheduled). The final Raid Finder wing opened on October 18, 2016.

Adventure Guide[]

The Emerald Dream was created by the titans as a blueprint for Azeroth itself - a verdant and perfect mirror that reflects the state of nature had it remained unspoiled by so-called civilization. For many years, the druids and keepers who are closest to nature have noticed signs of an unsettling presence stirring within the Dream. Spurred on by the Legion and Nightmare Lord Xavius, that creeping corruption has now burst forth, and will engulf all of Azeroth if it is not rooted out at its source.



To cleanse the Nightmare, the brave must ascend the great tree Shaladrassil, where the veil of dreams is thinnest.

Tormented Guardians

The Nightmare's sway is greatest over those closest to nature, clouding the minds of her stalwart protectors with fear and rage.

Rift of Aln

Deep within this dark and formless expanse, where reality shifts and the senses deceive, the Nightmare Lord awaits.

Maps and subregions[]



  • Clutch of Corruption: At the base of Shaladrassil, the withered husk of the once proud green dragon Nythendra remains guarding access to the Nightmare-corrupted Dream.
  • Core of the Nightmare: The Nightmare bleeds out into Azeroth, warping reality. Heroes will need to enter the Nightmare portals and cleanse the corruption sealing off access to the deeper depths.
  • Nightmare Grizzly Hills: Overlooking a dark and twisted Grizzly Hills, the wild god Ursoc waits to dispatch the enemies of his new master.
  • Nightmare Un'Goro Crater: A darkness grows in the middle of the jungles of this titan-shaped crater, the heart of corruption known as Il'gynoth beats from within a Nightmare-twisted world tree.
  • Nightmare Mulgore: Under the shadows of a broken mesa, the tormented soul of Elerethe Renferal lurks, spreading her webs of destruction as she finishes preparations to destroy those she feels betrayed her.
  • Emerald Dreamway: This once pristine glade has been completely consumed by the Nightmare thanks to the corrupting influence of Ysondre and the spirits of her companions, the Dragons of Nightmare. The way must be cleared if there is any hope of stopping the Nightmare's spread into Azeroth.
  • Nightmare Moonglade: The most sacred place in the Dream warps and collapses under the veil of the Nightmare, further harmed by the active corrupting influence of the demi-god Cenarius.
  • Rift of Aln: An endless abyss. Half formed, infinite darkness. This is the true soul of the Nightmare. This is the ultimate fate of Azeroth should her heroes fail to stop the Nightmare Lord.
  • The Emerald Dream: A pristine, untouched source of pure life. Can the veils of Nightmare be parted enough to find the path to this serene paradise?

Opening dates[]

Date opened (US) Difficulty Wing/bosses
September 20, 2016 Normal & Heroic All
September 27, 2016 Mythic All
Raid Finder Achievement emeraldnightmare [Darkbough]

(Nythendra, Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption, Elerethe Renferal)

October 11, 2016 Raid Finder Achievement emeraldnightmare cenarius [Tormented Guardians]

(Ursoc, Dragons of Nightmare, Cenarius)

October 25, 2016 Raid Finder Achievement emeraldnightmare xavius [Rift of Aln]


Getting there[]

Fly to Starsong Refuge in Val'sharah, and follow the road towards Shala'nir. The entrance to the raid is to the left over a series of bridges.



Boss Item Type
Nythendra Inv misc rubysanctum3 [Despoiled Dragonscale] (LFR · H · M) Shadow Artifact Relic
Spell lifegivingseed [Preserved Worldseed] (LFR · H · M) Holy Artifact Relic
Inv jewelry trinket 05 [Shaladrassil's Blossom] (LFR · H · M) Life Artifact Relic
Spell nature sleep [Unwaking Slumber] (LFR · H · M) Frost Artifact Relic
Inv helm mail raidhunter q 01 [Greyed Dragonscale Coif] (LFR · H · M) Mail helmet
Inv shoulder cloth raidmage q 01 [Ancient Dreamwoven Mantle] (LFR · H · M) Cloth shoulders
Inv chest plate raidpaladinmythic q 01 [Insect-Etched Chestplate] (LFR · H · M) Plate chest
Inv bracer plate raiddeathknight q 01 [Wristclamps of Mad Dreams] (LFR · H · M) Plate bracers
Inv belt mail raidshaman q 01 [Creeping String of Larva] (LFR · H · M) Mail belt
Inv belt leather raidmonk q 01 [Lifeless Buckled Girdle] (LFR · H · M) Leather belt
Inv leather raiddemonhuntermythic q 02boots [Stained Maggot Squishers] (LFR · H · M) Leather boots
Inv 70 raid ring1b [Grubby Silver Ring] (LFR · H · M) Ring
Inv farm kypariteseed [Ravaged Seed Pod] (LFR · H · M) Melee DPS trinket
Spell nature insect swarm2 [Swarming Plaguehive] (LFR · H · M) Caster DPS[note 1] trinket
Elerethe Renferal Inv misc organ 11 [Fel-Bloated Venom Sac] (LFR · H · M) Fel Artifact Relic
Inv feather 02 [Scything Quill] (LFR · H · M) Iron Artifact Relic
Inv misc gem bloodstone 01 [Shrieking Bloodstone] (LFR · H · M) Blood Artifact Relic
Inv leather raidrogue q 01helm [Mask of Multitudinous Eyes] (LFR · H · M) Leather helmet
Inv helm plate raiddeathknight q 01 [Venom-Fanged Barbute] (LFR · H · M) Plate helmet
Inv cape leather raiddruid q 01 [Gossamer-Spun Greatcloak] (LFR · H · M) Cloak
Inv chest mail raidhunter q 01 [Patient Ambusher's Hauberk] (LFR · H · M) Mail chest
Inv leather raiddemonhuntermythic q 02bracer [Wristwraps of Broken Trust] (LFR · H · M) Leather bracers
Inv belt cloth raidmage q 01 [Pliable Spider Silk Cinch] (LFR · H · M) Cloth belt
Inv pant cloth raidwarlock q 01 [Ragged Horrorweave Leggings] (LFR · H · M) Cloth leggings
Inv pant plate raiddeathknight q 01 [Storm-Battered Legplates] (LFR · H · M) Plate leggings
Inv boot mail raidshaman q 01 [Black Venom Sabatons] (LFR · H · M) Mail boots
Inv misc web 01 [Cocoon of Enforced Solitude] (LFR · H · M) Healer trinket
Ability druid cyclone [Twisting Wind] (LFR · H · M) Ranged DPS trinket
Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption Inv misc dice 02 [Cube of Malice] (LFR · H · M) Frost Artifact Relic
Trade archaeology troll voodoodoll [Gore-Drenched Fetish] (LFR · H · M) Blood Artifact Relic
Inv misc truegold [Radiating Metallic Shard] (LFR · H · M) Holy Artifact Relic
Achievement boss darkanimus [Sloshing Core of Hatred] (LFR · H · M) Fire Artifact Relic
Inv cloth raidpriest q 01 helm [Celestially Aligned Hood] (LFR · H · M) Cloth helmet
Inv leather raidrogue q 01shoulders [Otherworldy Leather Mantle] (LFR · H · M) Leather shoulders
Inv shoulder plate raidpaladinmythic q 01 [Pauldrons of Shifting Runes] (LFR · H · M) Plate shoulders
Inv bracer cloth raidwarlock q 01 [Cinch of Cosmic Insignficance] (LFR · H · M) Cloth bracers
Inv gloves leather raiddruid q 01 [Dreamsculptor's Gloves] (LFR · H · M) Leather gloves
Inv glove mail raidhunter q 01 [Gauntlets of Malevolent Intent] (LFR · H · M) Mail gloves
Inv belt plate raiddeathknight q 01 [Waistplate of Nameless Horror] (LFR · H · M) Plate belt
Inv robe mail raidshaman q 01 [Singular Chain Leggings] (LFR · H · M) Mail leggings
Inv 70 raid ring3b [Dreadful Cyclopean Signet] (LFR · H · M) Ring
Inv drink 02 [Goblet of Nightmarish Ichor] (LFR · H · M) Tank trinket
Achievement boss yoggsaron 01 [Spontaneous Appendages] (LFR · H · M) Melee DPS trinket
Inv qiraj skinsandworm [Wriggling Sinew] (LFR · H · M) Caster DPS trinket
Tormented Guardians
Boss Item Type
Ursoc Inv misc monsterfang 01 [Bloodied Bear Fang] (LFR · H · M) Blood Artifact Relic
Inv misc bone 01 [Reverberating Femur] (LFR · H · M) Storm Artifact Relic
Inv misc pelt 14 [Tuft of Ironfur] (LFR · H · M) Iron Artifact Relic
Inv 7 0raid necklace 13b [Cursed Beartooth Necklace] (LFR · H · M) Necklace
Inv shoulder mail raidhunter q 01 [Matted Fur Pauldrons] (LFR · H · M) Mail shoulders
Inv chest leather raidmonk q 01 [Scarred Ragefang Chestpiece] (LFR · H · M) Leather chest
Inv cloth raidpriest q 01 bracer [Ragged Fur Wristwraps] (LFR · H · M) Cloth bracers
Inv bracer mail raidshaman q 01 [Scored Ironclaw Sabatons] (LFR · H · M) Mail bracers
Inv glove plate raidwarriormythic q 01 [Primal Gauntlets of Rage] (LFR · H · M) Plate gloves
Inv leather raidrogue q 01pants [Splotched Bloodfur Leggings] (LFR · H · M) Leather leggings
Inv boot cloth raidmage q 01 [Crimson Wool-Lined Slippers] (LFR · H · M) Cloth boots
Inv plate raidwarriormythic q 01 [Trampling Warboots] (LFR · H · M) Plate boots
Ability druid primaltenacity [Bloodthirsty Instinct] (LFR · H · M) Agility DPS trinket
Ability hunter aspectoftheviper [Heightened Senses] (LFR · H · M) Healer trinket
Ability druid enrage [Unbridled Fury] (LFR · H · M) Tank trinket
Ability druid swipe [Ursoc's Rending Paw] (LFR · H · M) Strength DPS trinket
Dragons of Nightmare Inv misc starspecklemushroom [Bioluminescent Mushroom] (LFR · H · M) Life Artifact Relic
Inv misc orb 01 [Entrancing Stone] (LFR · H · M) Arcane Artifact Relic
Spell shadow haunting [Nightmare Engulfed Jewel] (LFR · H · M) Shadow Artifact Relic
Inv leather raiddemonhuntermythic q 02helm [Cowl of Fright] (LFR · H · M) Leather helmet
Inv cloth raidpriest q 01 chest [Dreamscale Inlaid Vestments] (LFR · H · M) Cloth chest
Inv chest plate raiddeathknight q 01 [Horror Inscribed Chestguard] (LFR · H · M) Plate chest
Inv bracer plate raidwarriormythic q 01 [Dragonbone Wristclamps] (LFR · H · M) Plate bracers
Inv bracer leather raiddruid q 01 [Dragonspur Wristguards] (LFR · H · M) Leather bracers
Inv glove mail raidshaman q 01 [Gauntlets of the Demented Mind] (LFR · H · M) Mail gloves
Inv glove cloth raidwarlock q 01 [Handwraps of Delusional Power] (LFR · H · M) Cloth gloves
Inv boot mail raidhunter q 01 [Malignant Sabatons] (LFR · H · M) Mail boots
Inv 70 raid ring8a [Mindrend Band] (LFR · H · M) Ring
Spell magic lesserinvisibilty [Phantasmal Echo] (LFR · H · M) Tank trinket
Sha inv misc slime 01 nightmare [Unstable Horrorslime] (LFR · H · M) Ranged DPS trinket
Inv alchemy enchantedvial [Vial of Nightmare Fog] (LFR · H · M) Healer trinket
Inv misc head dragon black nightmare [Breath of the Undying Serpent] Artifact appearance
Cenarius Spell lfieblood [Blessing of Cenarius] (LFR · H · M) Life Artifact Relic
Inv cloudserpent egg yellow [Radiant Dragon Egg] (LFR · H · M) Holy Artifact Relic
Inv misc gem emeraldrough 03 [Uplifting Emerald] (LFR · H · M) Storm Artifact Relic
Inv helm plate raidpaladinmythic q 01 [Crown of Steely Brambles] (LFR · H · M) Plate helmet
Inv cloth raidpriest q 01 shoulder [Mantle of Perpetual Bloom] (LFR · H · M) Cloth shoulders
Inv shoulder mail raidshaman q 01 [Thorny Bramblemail Pauldrons] (LFR · H · M) Mail shoulders
Inv cape legionraidmonk d 01 [Evergreen Vinewrap Drape] (LFR · H · M) Cloak
Inv chest leather raiddruid q 01 [Tunic of the Grove Keeper] (LFR · H · M) Leather chest
Inv glove plate raidwarriormythic q 01 [Fitted Ironbark Gauntlets] (LFR · H · M) Plate gloves
Inv belt leather raiddruid q 01 [Forest-Lord's Waistwrap] (LFR · H · M) Leather belt
Inv belt mail raidhunter q 01 [Laughing Sister's Pouch-Chain] (LFR · H · M) Mail belt
Inv cloth raidpriest q 01 boot [Cozy Dryad Hoof-Socks] (LFR · H · M) Cloth boots
Inv misc horn 05 [Horn of Cenarius] (LFR · H · M) Healer trinket
Ability druid earthandsky [Nature's Call] (LFR · H · M) Melee trinket
Rift of Aln
Boss Item Type
Xavius Inv 1h auchindoun 01 [Azsharan Councillor's Clasp] (LFR · H · M) Fel Artifact Relic
Trade archaeology naarucrystal [Crystallized Drop of Eternity] (LFR · H · M) Arcane Artifact Relic
Ability warrior focusedrage [Fragment of Eternal Spite] (LFR · H · M) Fire Artifact Relic
Inv inscription weaponscroll03 [Illusion: Nightmare] Weapon illusion
Inv misc herb fireweedbranch [Nightmarish Elm Branch] (LFR · H · M) Shadow Artifact Relic
Inv helm cloth raidwarlock q 01 [Hood of Darkened Visions] (LFR · H · M) Cloth helmet
Inv 7 0raid necklace 07d [Blackened Portalstone Necklace] (LFR · H · M) Necklace
Inv shoulder plate raiddeathknight q 01 [Midnight Herald's Pauldrons] (LFR · H · M) Plate shoulders
Inv chest cloth raidwarlock q 01 [Maddening Robe of Secrets] (LFR · H · M) Cloth chest
Inv bracer mail raidshaman q 01 [Manacles of the Nightmare Colossus] (LFR · H · M) Mail bracers
Inv belt plate raidwarriormythic q 01 [Eon-Tempered Waistplate] (LFR · H · M) Plate belt
Inv pant mail raidhunter q 01 [Disjointed Linkage Leggings] (LFR · H · M) Mail leggings
Inv leather raiddemonhuntermythic q 02pants [Repulsive Leathery Pants] (LFR · H · M) Leather leggings
Inv leather raidrogue q 01boots [Boots of Endless Betrayal] (LFR · H · M) Leather boots
Inv 70 raid ring6b [Twice-Warped Azsharan Signet] (LFR · H · M) Ring
Inv staff 25 [Bough of Corruption] (LFR · H · M) Caster DPS trinket
Inv qirajidol strife [Grotesque Statuette] (LFR · H · M) Tank trinket
  1. ^ Also drops for Enhancement shaman.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
