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Enchanting Icon Enchanting (Profession)
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Enchanting formulas

Outland Bc icon
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight




Fishing pole

Enchanting recipes, called formulas, are used by enchanters to create item enhancements, tools, wands and crafting materials, and apply enchantments on equipment. Many formulas are taught by Enchanting trainers, while other formulas may be purchased from a vendor, obtained as loot, or given as a reward for completing an Enchanting quest. The acquisition of some formulas requires a level of reputation with certain factions, which can be viewed in the Enchanting faction recipes table.


Classic (1-300)[]

Classic formulas
Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv staff goldfeathered 01 [Runed Copper Rod] Tool 1x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
1x Inv misc flute 01 [Copper Rod]
1x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence]
1 5 8 10 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Health] Wrist 1x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust] 1 70 90 110 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Dodge] Wrist 1x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence]
1 80 100 120 Trainer
Inv staff 02 [Lesser Magic Wand] Wand 1x Inv tradeskillitem 01 [Simple Wood]
1x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence]
10 75 95 115 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Health] Chest 1x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust] 15 70 90 110 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Mana] Chest 2x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence] 20 80 100 120 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Minor Mana]
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Absorption] Chest 2x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence]
40 90 110 130 Trainer
Inv poison mindnumbing [Minor Wizard Oil] Item enhancement 2x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
45 55 65 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Minor Wizard Oil]
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Stamina] Wrist 3x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust] 50 100 120 140 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Versatility] Wrist 2x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence] 60 105 125 145 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Versatility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Health] Chest 2x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence]
60 105 125 145 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Protection] Back 3x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencemagiclarge [Greater Magic Essence]
70 110 130 150 Trainer
Inv staff 07 [Greater Magic Wand] Wand 1x Inv tradeskillitem 01 [Simple Wood]
1x Inv enchant essencemagiclarge [Greater Magic Essence]
70 110 130 150 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Agility] Wrist 2x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencemagiclarge [Greater Magic Essence]
80 115 135 155 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Strength] Wrist 5x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust] 80 115 135 155 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Mana] Chest 1x Inv enchant essencemagiclarge [Greater Magic Essence]
1x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence]
80 115 135 155 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Lesser Mana]
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Beastslayer] Weapon 4x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencemagiclarge [Greater Magic Essence]
90 120 140 160 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslayer]
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Striking] Weapon 4x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencemagiclarge [Greater Magic Essence]
90 120 140 160 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Intellect] Two-handed weapon 2x Inv enchant essencemagicsmall [Lesser Magic Essence] 100 130 150 170 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect]
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Impact] Two-handed weapon 4x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencemagiclarge [Greater Magic Essence]
100 130 150 170 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Stamina] Shield 2x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
105 130 150 170 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Versatility] Two-handed weapon 3x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
110 135 155 175 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Versatility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Agility] Back 1x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence] 110 135 155 175 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Protection] Back 6x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard]
115 140 160 180 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Protection] Shield 1x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
1x Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard]
115 140 160 180 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Shield - Lesser Protection]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Versatility] Wrist 2x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence] 120 145 165 185 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Versatility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Health] Chest 4x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
120 145 165 185 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Agility] Feet 6x Inv enchant duststrange [Strange Dust]
2x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
125 150 170 190 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Minor Agility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Stamina] Feet 4x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust] 125 150 170 190 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Stamina] Wrist 2x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust] 130 155 175 195 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Versatility] Shield 4x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
2x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
130 155 175 195 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Strength] Wrist 2x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust] 140 165 185 205 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Absorption] Chest 2x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
1x Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard]
140 165 185 205 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Striking] Weapon 2x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard]
140 165 185 205 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Impact] Two-handed weapon 3x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard]
145 170 190 210 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Mana] Chest 3x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence] 145 170 190 210 Trainer
Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Fishing] Hands 2x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
3x Inv drink 12 [Blackmouth Oil]
145 170 190 210 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Fishing]
Spell holy greaterheal [Herbalism] Hands 1x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
3x Inv misc herb 03 [Kingsblood]
145 170 190 210 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Herbalism]
Spell holy greaterheal [Mining] Hands 2x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
3x Inv ore iron 01 [Iron Ore]
145 170 190 210 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Mining]
Inv potion 98 [Minor Mana Oil] Item enhancement 3x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
150 160 170 180 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Minor Mana Oil]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Intellect] Wrist 2x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence] 150 175 195 215 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Stats] Chest 1x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
2x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
1x Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard]
150 175 195 215 Trainer
Inv staff 02 [Lesser Mystic Wand] Wand 3x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv tradeskillitem 03 [Star Wood]
2x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
155 175 195 215 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Defense] Back 3x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
1x Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard]
155 175 195 215 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Stamina] Shield 4x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
2x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
155 175 195 215 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Agility] Feet 1x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
2x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
160 180 200 220 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Health] Chest 3x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust] 160 180 200 220 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Versatility] Wrist 4x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence] 165 185 205 225 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Stamina] Feet 4x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust] 170 190 210 230 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Dodge] Wrist 2x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust]
4x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
170 190 210 230 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Dodge]
Spell holy greaterheal [Stamina] Wrist 5x Inv misc dust 05 [Light Illusion Dust] 170 190 210 230 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Beastslayer] Weapon 2x Inv misc bone 08 [Large Fang]
4x Inv enchant essenceeternalsmall [Lesser Eternal Essence]
1x Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [Small Brilliant Shard]
175 195 215 235 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lesser Beastslayer]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Elemental Slayer] Weapon 1x Inv enchant shardglowingsmall [Small Glowing Shard]
1x Inv enchant essencemysticalsmall [Lesser Mystic Essence]
1x Inv ore iron 01 [Elemental Earth]
175 195 215 235 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lesser Elemental Slayer]
Inv wand 07 [Greater Mystic Wand] Wand 1x Inv enchant essencemysticallarge [Greater Mystic Essence]
1x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
1x Inv tradeskillitem 03 [Star Wood]
175 195 215 235 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Strength] Wrist 1x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust] 180 200 220 240 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Versatility] 1x Inv enchant essencemysticallarge [Greater Mystic Essence]
1x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
180 200 220 240 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Mana] Chest 1x Inv enchant essencemysticallarge [Greater Mystic Essence] 185 205 225 245 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Versatility] Feet 1x Inv enchant essencemysticallarge [Greater Mystic Essence]
2x Inv enchant essencemysticalsmall [Lesser Mystic Essence]
190 210 230 250 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Lesser Versatility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Winter's Might] Weapon 3x Inv enchant essencemysticallarge [Greater Mystic Essence]
3x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
1x Inv enchant shardglowinglarge [Large Glowing Shard]
2x Inv misc herb dragonsteeth [Dragon's Teeth]
190 210 230 250 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Winter's Might]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Parry] Shield 1x Inv enchant shardglowinglarge [Large Glowing Shard]
2x Inv enchant essencemysticallarge [Greater Mystic Essence]
2x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
195 215 235 255 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Shield - Lesser Parry]
Spell holy greaterheal [Striking] Weapon 1x Inv enchant shardglowinglarge [Large Glowing Shard]
2x Inv enchant essencemysticallarge [Greater Mystic Essence]
195 215 235 255 Trainer
Inv potion 103 [Lesser Wizard Oil] Item enhancement 3x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
200 210 220 230 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Lesser Wizard Oil]
Spell holy greaterheal [Impact] Two-handed weapon 1x Inv enchant shardglowinglarge [Large Glowing Shard]
4x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
200 220 240 260 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Stats] Chest 1x Inv enchant shardglowinglarge [Large Glowing Shard]
2x Inv enchant essencemysticallarge [Greater Mystic Essence]
2x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
200 220 240 260 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Skinning] Hand 1x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
3x Inv misc monsterscales 03 [Green Whelp Scale]
200 220 240 260 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Skinning]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Defense] Back 3x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust] 205 225 245 265 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Intellect] Wrist 2x Inv enchant essencenethersmall [Lesser Nether Essence] 210 230 250 270 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Agility] Hand 1x Inv enchant essencenethersmall [Lesser Nether Essence]
1x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
210 230 250 270 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Stamina] Shield 5x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust] 210 230 250 270 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Shield - Stamina]
Spell holy greaterheal [Stamina] Feet 5x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust] 215 235 255 275 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Advanced Mining] Hand 3x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
3x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
215 235 255 275 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Advanced Mining]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Versatility] Wrist 3x Inv enchant essencenethersmall [Lesser Nether Essence]
1x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
220 240 260 280 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Versatility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Health] Chest 6x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust] 220 240 260 280 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Speed] Feet 1x Inv enchant shardradientsmall [Small Radiant Shard]
1x Inv enchant essencenethersmall [Lesser Nether Essence]
1x Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine]
225 245 265 285 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Agility] Back 2x Inv enchant essencenethersmall [Lesser Nether Essence] 225 245 265 285 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Advanced Herbalism] Hand 3x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
3x Inv misc herb 18 [Sungrass]
225 245 265 285 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Advanced Herbalism]
Spell holy greaterheal [Strength] Hand 2x Inv enchant essencenethersmall [Lesser Nether Essence]
3x Inv enchant dustvision [Vision Dust]
225 245 265 285 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Mana] Chest 2x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence] 230 250 270 290 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Versatility] Shield 2x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
2x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
230 250 270 290 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Demonslaying] Weapon 2x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
1x Inv potion 27 [Elixir of Demonslaying]
1x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
230 250 270 290 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Demonslaying]
Spell holy greaterheal [Agility] Feet 2x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence] 235 255 275 295 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Dodge] Wrist 2x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
2x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
235 255 275 295 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Dodge]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Impact] Two-handed weapon 2x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
240 260 280 300 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Strength] Wrist 2x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
2x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
240 260 280 300 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Stamina] Wrist 3x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust] 245 265 282 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina]
Spell holy greaterheal [Stats] Chest 2x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
2x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
245 265 282 300 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Striking] Weapon 2x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
245 265 282 300 Trainer
Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather] Crafting material 1x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
3x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
250 250 255 260 Trainer
Inv potion 99 [Lesser Mana Oil] Item enhancement 3x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
2x Inv misc herb 17 [Purple Lotus]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
250 260 270 280 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Lesser Mana Oil]
Spell holy greaterheal [Riding Skill] Hand 3x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
250 270 285 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Riding Skill]
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Haste] Hand 2x Inv misc herb 03 [Wildvine]
2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
250 270 285 300 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Intellect] Wrist 3x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence] 255 275 287 300 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Stamina] Feet 4x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust] 260 280 290 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina]
Spell holy greaterheal [Fiery Weapon] Weapon 1x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
265 285 292 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Stamina] Shield 4x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust] 265 285 292 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina]
Inv misc gem bloodstone 01 [Smoking Heart of the Mountain] Trinket 3x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
3x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
265 285 292 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Smoking Heart of the Mountain]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Versatility] Wrist 4x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
3x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
270 290 295 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Versatility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Agility] Hand 3x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
3x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
270 290 295 300 Trainer
Inv potion 104 [Wizard Oil] Item enhancement 1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
2x Inv misc herb 19 [Firebloom]
3x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
275 285 292 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Wizard Oil]
Spell holy greaterheal [Versatility] Feet 3x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence] 275 295 297 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Versatility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Health] Chest 3x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard] 275 295 297 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Health]
Spell holy greaterheal [Vitality] Shield 4x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
3x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
280 300 300 300 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Icy Chill] Weapon 1x Inv misc herb icecap [Icecap]
1x Spell nature earthbind [Essence of Air]
1x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
285 300 300 300 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Defense] Back 5x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust] 285 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense]
Spell holy greaterheal [Argent Versatility] Wrist 4x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
4x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
2x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
290 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Argent Versatility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Agility] Two-handed weapon 4x Spell nature earthbind [Essence of Air]
6x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
290 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Agility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Mana] Chest 5x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust] 290 300 300 300 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Agility] Weapon 4x Spell nature earthbind [Essence of Air]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
290 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Agility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Strength] Weapon 4x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
290 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Strength]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Impact] Two-handed weapon 10x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
295 300 300 300 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Superior Impact]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Agility] Feet 4x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
2x Inv misc herb 03 [Wildvine]
295 300 300 300 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Strength] Hand 4x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
4x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
295 300 300 300 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Unholy Weapon] Weapon 4x Spell shadow shadetruesight [Essence of Undeath]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
295 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Unholy]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Strength] Wrist 6x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
4x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
295 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength]
Inv potion 100 [Brilliant Mana Oil] Item enhancement 3x Inv misc herb 17 [Purple Lotus]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Brilliant Mana Oil]
Inv potion 105 [Brilliant Wizard Oil] Item enhancement 3x Inv misc herb 19 [Firebloom]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
2x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Brilliant Wizard Oil]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Intellect] Two-handed weapon 4x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Intellect]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Versatility] Two-handed weapon 4x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Versatility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Healing Power] Wrist 5x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
3x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Healing Power]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Stamina] Wrist 8x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust] 300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Stats] Chest 6x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats]
Spell holy greaterheal [Fire Power] Hand 4x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
10x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Fire Power]
Spell holy greaterheal [Frost Power] Hand 4x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
10x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Frost Power]
Spell holy greaterheal [Healing Power] Hand 1x Inv misc gem pearl 03 [Righteous Orb]
8x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Healing Power]
Spell holy greaterheal [Shadow Power] Hand 6x Spell shadow shadetruesight [Essence of Undeath]
10x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power]
Spell holy greaterheal [Crusader] Weapon 2x Inv misc gem pearl 03 [Righteous Orb]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Crusader]
Spell holy greaterheal [Healing Power] Weapon 4x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
4x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Healing Power]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lifestealing] Weapon 4x Spell shadow shadetruesight [Essence of Undeath]
4x Spell nature abolishmagic [Living Essence]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing]
Spell holy greaterheal [Mighty Intellect] Weapon 16x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
5x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
6x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect]
Spell holy greaterheal [Mighty Versatility] Weapon 12x Inv enchant dustillusion [Rich Illusion Dust]
4x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
6x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Versatility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Spellpower] Weapon 2x Inv misc gem pearl 04 [Golden Pearl]
6x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Spellpower]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Striking] Weapon 4x Inv enchant essenceeternallarge [Greater Eternal Essence]
4x Inv enchant shardbrilliantlarge [Large Brilliant Shard]
300 300 300 300 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Superior Striking]

Outland (1-75) Bc icon[]

Outland formulas
Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Spell holy greaterheal [Dodge] Back 3x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
8x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
3x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard]
1 1 25 50 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge]
Spell holy greaterheal [Stealth] Back 2x Inv misc herb fellotus [Fel Lotus]
3x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
3x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard]
1 1 25 50 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Stealth]
Spell holy greaterheal [Subtlety] Back 2x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
8x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
4x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard]
1 1 25 50 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Agility] Hand 2x Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
3x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
3x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard]
1 1 25 50 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility]
Spell holy greaterheal [Threat] Hand 2x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
8x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
4x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard]
1 1 25 50 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat]
Inv potion 101 [Superior Mana Oil] Item enhancement 3x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
1x Inv misc herb netherbloom [Netherbloom]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
1 10 20 30 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Superior Mana Oil]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Assault] Wrist 6x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 1 10 25 40 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Versatility Prime] Chest 2x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencearcanesmall [Lesser Planar Essence]
1 10 25 40 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Vitality] Feet 6x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
4x Inv potion 54 [Major Healing Potion]
4x Inv potion 76 [Major Mana Potion]
5 15 30 45 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Vitality]
Spell holy greaterheal [Brawn] Wrist 6x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 5 15 30 45 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Intellect] Wrist 3x Inv enchant essencearcanesmall [Lesser Planar Essence] 5 15 30 45 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Blasting] Hand 4x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencearcanesmall [Lesser Planar Essence]
5 15 30 45 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Agility] Back 4x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
1x Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
10 20 35 50 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Armor] Back 8x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 10 20 35 50 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Assault] Hand 8x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 10 20 35 50 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Dodge] Shield 6x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
10x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
10 20 35 50 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Stats] Wrist 6x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
6x Inv enchant essencearcanesmall [Lesser Planar Essence]
15 25 40 55 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Health] Chest 10x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
6x Inv potion 54 [Major Healing Potion]
15 25 40 55 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Fortitude] Feet 12x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 20 30 45 60 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Fortitude]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Dodge] Wrist 10x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
2x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard]
20 30 45 60 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Dodge]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Versatility] Chest 2x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence] 20 30 45 60 Trainer
Inv enchant prismaticsphere [Prismatic Sphere] Gem 4x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard] 25 25 30 35 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Healing] Wrist 4x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
4x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
25 35 50 65 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing]
Spell holy greaterheal [PvP Power] Back 2x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
6x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
2x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
25 35 50 65 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - PvP Power]
Spell holy greaterheal [Intellect] Shield 4x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence] 25 35 50 65 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Shield - Intellect]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Stamina] Shield 15x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust] 25 35 50 65 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Shield - Major Stamina]
Spell holy greaterheal [Resilience] Shield 4x Inv enchant essencearcanesmall [Lesser Planar Essence]
1x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
30 40 55 70 Trainer
Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard] Crafting material 3x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard] 35 35 35 35 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Large Prismatic Shard]
3x Inv enchant shardprismaticsmall [Small Prismatic Shard] Crafting material 1x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard] 35 35 35 35 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Versatility Prime] Wrist 8x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence] 35 45 60 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Versatility Prime]
Inv potion 141 [Superior Wizard Oil] Item enhancement 3x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
1x Inv misc herb nightmarevine [Nightmare Vine]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
40 40 50 60 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Superior Wizard Oil]
Spell holy greaterheal [Dexterity] Feet 8x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
8x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
40 50 65 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Dexterity]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Strength] Hand 12x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
40 50 65 75 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Parry] Shield 12x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
10x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
40 50 63 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Shield - Parry]
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Stats] Chest 4x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
4x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
45 55 65 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Resilience] Chest 10x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
45 55 65 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Resilience]
Spell holy greaterheal [Deathfrost] Weapon 2x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
2x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
50 50 58 65 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Deathfrost]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Intellect] Weapon 10x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
2x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
50 50 63 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Striking] Weapon 6x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
6x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
2x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
50 50 63 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Striking]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Agility] Weapon 8x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
2x Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
6x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
50 60 68 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Greater Agility]
Inv enchant voidsphere [Void Sphere] Gem 2x Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal] 50 70 73 75 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Savagery] Two-handed weapon 40x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
4x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
50 70 73 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery]
Spell holy greaterheal [Fortitude] Wrist 20x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
10x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
1x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
50 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Fortitude]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Healing] Hand 6x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
6x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
6x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
50 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Major Healing]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Healing] Weapon 8x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
8x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
8x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
50 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Healing]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Spellpower] Weapon 8x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
8x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
50 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower]
Spell holy greaterheal [Potency] Weapon 20x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
5x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
4x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
50 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Potency]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Agility] Two-handed weapon 20x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
6x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
8x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
60 70 73 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility]
Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Boar's Speed] Feet 8x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
8x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
60 70 73 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed]
Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Cat's Swiftness] Feet 8x Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
8x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
60 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Spellpower] Hand 6x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
6x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
6x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
60 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower]
Spell holy greaterheal [Precise Strikes] Hand 2x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
8x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
2x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
60 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Precise Strikes]
Spell holy greaterheal [Battlemaster] Weapon 8x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
8x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
2x Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal]
60 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster]
Spell holy greaterheal [Spellsurge] Weapon 20x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
10x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
12x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
60 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge]
Spell holy greaterheal [Spellpower] Wrist 6x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
6x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
6x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
60 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Spellpower]
Spell holy greaterheal [Dodge] Chest 8x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
4x Inv ore eternium [Eternium Ore]
60 70 73 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Dodge]
Spell holy greaterheal [Surefooted] Feet 4x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
2x Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal]
70 75 75 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Surefooted]
Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Void Shatter] Crafting material 1x Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal] 60 60 63 65 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Void Shatter]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Dodge] Back 8x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
8x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
75 75 75 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Dodge]
Spell nature unrelentingstorm [Lightning Speed] Weapon 40x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
8x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
10x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
6x Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal]
75 75 75 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mongoose]
Spell holy greaterheal [Soulfrost] Weapon 8x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
6x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
6x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
10x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
12x Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal]
75 75 75 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost]
Spell holy greaterheal [Executioner] Weapon 30x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
3x Inv potion 147 [Elixir of Major Strength]
6x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
10x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
6x Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal]
75 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Executioner]
Spell holy greaterheal [Sunfire] Weapon 8x Inv enchant essencearcanelarge [Greater Planar Essence]
6x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
1x Spell nature lightningoverload [Primal Might]
10x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
12x Inv enchant voidcrystal [Void Crystal]
75 75 75 75 Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Sunfire]

Northrend (1-75) Wrath-Logo-Small[]

Northrend formulas
Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Mana] Chest 3x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Speed] Back 3x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Assault] Wrist 4x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Spellpower] Hand 2x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence]
1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Super Stats] Chest 3x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence] 1 5 15 25 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Intellect] Wrist 10x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Assault] Feet 4x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence]
1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Gatherer] Hand 1x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence] 1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Potency] Weapon 2x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence]
5 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Icewalker] Feet 8x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
1x Inv elemental crystal water [Crystallized Water]
10 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Spellpower] Staff 12x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
10 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Fortitude] Feet 3x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
3x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence]
10 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Savagery] Two-handed weapon 6x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
15 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Minor Power] Back 15x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 20 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Spellpower] Wrist 8x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence]
20 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Mighty Health] Chest 3x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence] 20 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Agility] Back 9x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 20 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Assault] Hand 6x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
20 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Intellect] Shield 12x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 20 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Spellpower] Weapon 10x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
20 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Stats] Wrist 16x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
3x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
25 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Dodge] Chest 3x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
1x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
25 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Vitality] Feet 4x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence]
30 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Haste] Hand 12x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 30 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Versatility] Feet 10x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
35 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Precision] Hand 4x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence] 35 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Agility] Weapon 1x Inv elemental eternal air [Eternal Air]
4x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
35 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Versatility] Weapon 3x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
4x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
35 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Resilience] Chest 2x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
2x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
35 60 68 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Resilience]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Agility] Feet 6x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
40 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Haste] Wrist 12x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
1x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
40 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Agility] Hand 4x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence]
1x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
40 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Versatility] Wrist 4x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
45 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Versatility] Chest 4x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence]
45 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Agility] Back 3x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
3x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
45 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Dodge] Shield 6x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
1x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
45 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Super Health] Chest 7x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
7x Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser [Lesser Cosmic Essence]
50 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Crusher] Hand 15x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] 50 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Icebreaker] Weapon 4x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
4x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
50 60 67 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Icebreaker]
Spell holy greaterheal [Lifeward] Weapon 4x Inv elemental eternal life [Eternal Life]
1x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
50 60 67 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lifeward]
Spell holy greaterheal [Giant Slayer] Weapon 2x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
6x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
55 65 70 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Giant Slayer]
Spell holy greaterheal [Massacre] Two-handed weapon 40x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
6x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
6x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
55 65 70 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Massacre]
Spell holy greaterheal [Scourgebane] Two-handed weapon 6x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
6x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
55 65 70 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Scourgebane]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Assault] Wrist 24x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
6x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
55 65 70 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracers - Greater Assault]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Speed] Back 16x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
55 65 70 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Speed]
Spell holy greaterheal [Mighty Stamina] Back 15x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
55 65 70 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Mighty Stamina]
Spell holy greaterheal [Mighty Spellpower] Weapon 30x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
6x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
6x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
60 70 72 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spellpower]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Potency] Weapon 10x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
2x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
4x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
60 70 72 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Superior Potency]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Dodge] Back 8x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
2x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
60 70 72 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Dodge]
Spell holy greaterheal [Armsman] Hand 2x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
8x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
60 70 72 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Armsman]
Spell holy greaterheal [Accuracy] Weapon 20x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
4x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
4x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
6x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Accuracy]
Spell holy greaterheal [Black Magic] Weapon 6x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
6x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
6x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Black Magic]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Assault] Feet 4x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
4x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Assault]
Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Tuskarr's Vitality] Feet 10x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
2x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
2x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Tuskarr's Vitality]
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Spellpower] Wrist 6x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
6x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
1x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Spellpower]
Spell holy greaterheal [Powerful Stats] Chest 4x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
4x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Powerful Stats]
Spell holy greaterheal [Shadow Armor] Back 12x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
1x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Shadow Armor]
Spell holy greaterheal [Wisdom] Back 6x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
1x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Wisdom]
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Spellpower] Staff 40x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
6x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
6x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
75 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Staff - Greater Spellpower]
Spell holy greaterheal [Blade Ward] Weapon 8x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
1x Inv ingot titansteel blue [Titansteel Bar]
4x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
75 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulaepic 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Blade Ward]
Spell holy greaterheal [Blood Draining] Weapon 40x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 04 [Scarlet Ruby]
4x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
75 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulaepic 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Blood Draining]
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Stamina] Wrist 4x Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater [Greater Cosmic Essence]
1x Inv enchant abysscrystal [Abyss Crystal]
75 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Major Stamina]

Cataclysm (1-75) Cataclysm[]

Cataclysm formulas
Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Spell holy greaterheal [Earthen Vitality] Feet 2x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust] 1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Mighty Stats] Chest 2x Inv misc lesseressence [Lesser Celestial Essence] 1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Mastery] Hand 1x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
1x Inv misc lesseressence [Lesser Celestial Essence]
1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Speed] Wrist 2x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
1x Inv misc lesseressence [Lesser Celestial Essence]
1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Lesser Power] Back 3x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust] 1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Avalanche] Weapon 4x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
6x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Mending] Weapon 11x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
3x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
1 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Haste] Feet 2x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
1x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
5 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Haste] Hand 4x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
1x Inv misc lesseressence [Lesser Celestial Essence]
5 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Critical Strike] Wrist 4x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
2x Inv misc lesseressence [Lesser Celestial Essence]
10 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Stamina] Chest 5x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
1x Inv misc lesseressence [Lesser Celestial Essence]
10 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Intellect] Back 6x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust] 15 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Protection] Shield 1x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
15x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
15 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Mighty Agility] Two-handed weapon 3x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
3x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
3x Inv misc largeshard superior [Heavenly Shard]
20 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Strength] Hand 3x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
2x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
20 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Elemental Slayer] Weapon 7x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
1x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
2x Inv misc largeshard superior [Heavenly Shard]
20 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Major Agility] Feet 4x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
2x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
25 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Mighty Resilience] Chest 9x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust] 25 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Haste] Hand 5x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
2x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
30 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Hurricane] Weapon 6x Inv misc volatileair [Volatile Air]
6x Inv misc largeshard superior [Heavenly Shard]
30 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Mastery] Shield 12x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust] 35 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Heartsong] Weapon 9x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
3x Inv misc volatilelife green [Volatile Life]
3x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
3x Inv misc largeshard superior [Heavenly Shard]
35 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Dodge] Wrist 1x Inv misc volatileair [Volatile Air]
5x Inv misc largeshard superior [Heavenly Shard]
40 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Critical Strike] Back 8x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
2x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
40 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Precision] Wrist 12x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
1x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
45 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Versatility] Chest 10x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
2x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
45 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Protection] Back 8x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
3x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
50 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Superior Intellect] Off-hand 6x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
4x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
50 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Precision] Feet 1x Inv potionf 6 [Elixir of Impossible Accuracy]
2x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
2x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
55 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Exceptional Versatility] Wrist 9x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
3x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
55 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Mastery] Feet 10x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
3x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
60 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Haste] Wrist 4x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
6x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
60 Trainer
Spell holy greaterheal [Greater Intellect] Back 9x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
4x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
60 Trainer
Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Agility] Wrist 12x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
15x Inv misc volatileair [Volatile Air]
2x Inv misc crystalepic [Maelstrom Crystal]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Agility]
Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Major Strength] Wrist 6x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
25x Inv misc volatileair [Volatile Air]
2x Inv misc crystalepic [Maelstrom Crystal]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Major Strength]
Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Mighty Intellect] Wrist 4x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]
15x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
4x Inv misc greateressence [Greater Celestial Essence]
2x Inv misc crystalepic [Maelstrom Crystal]
65 75 75 75 Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Mighty Intellect]
Inv misc largeshard superior [Maelstrom Shatter] Crafting material 1x Inv misc crystalepic [Maelstrom Crystal] 65 Trainer
Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Assassin's Step] Feet 5x Inv enchant dust [Hypnotic Dust]