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Engineering Icon WoW Icon update Engineering (Profession)
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Engineering schematics

Outland Bc icon
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

Engineering recipes, called schematics, are used by engineers to create item enhancements, explosives, goggles, toys, trinkets, guns and bows, fireworks, tools, and mounts. Many schematics are taught by Engineering trainers, while other schematics may be purchased from a vendor, obtained as loot, or given as a reward for completing an Engineering quest. The acquisition of some schematics requires a level of reputation with certain factions, which can be viewed in the Engineering faction recipes table.


Classic (1-300)[]

Classic schematics
Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv misc dust 01 [Rough Blasting Powder] Crafting material 1x Inv stone 06 [Rough Stone] 1 20 30 40 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 06 [Rough Dynamite] Explosive 1x Inv misc dust 01 [Rough Blasting Powder]
1x Inv fabric linen 01 [Linen Cloth]
1 30 45 60 Trainer
Inv misc gear 06 [Handful of Copper Bolts] Crafting material 1x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar] 30 45 53 60 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 09 [Rough Copper Bomb] Explosive 1x Inv misc gear 06 [Handful of Copper Bolts]
2x Inv misc dust 01 [Rough Blasting Powder]
30 60 75 90 Trainer
Inv misc wrench 01 [Arclight Spanner] Tool 6x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar] 50 70 80 90 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 03 [Rough Boomstick] Gun 4x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
3x Inv misc gear 06 [Handful of Copper Bolts]
1x Inv mace 11 [Wooden Stock]
50 80 95 110 Trainer
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Crude Scope] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc gem emerald 03 [Malachite]
2x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
1x Inv misc gear 06 [Handful of Copper Bolts]
60 90 105 120 Trainer
Inv misc dust 02 [Coarse Blasting Powder] Crafting material 1x Inv stone 09 [Coarse Stone] 65 85 90 95 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 06 [Coarse Dynamite] Explosive 1x Inv misc dust 02 [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x Inv fabric linen 01 [Linen Cloth]
68 95 100 105 Trainer
Inv crate 01 [Mechanical Squirrel Box] Companion 2x Inv misc gem emerald 03 [Malachite]
1x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
1x Inv misc gear 06 [Handful of Copper Bolts]
75 105 120 135 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Mechanical Squirrel Box]
Inv crate 06 [Target Dummy] Device 2x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
2x Inv fabric wool 01 [Wool Cloth]
85 115 130 145 Trainer
Inv ingot 04 [Silver Contact] Crafting material 1x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar] 90 110 125 140 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 06 [Ez-Thro Dynamite] Explosive 4x Inv misc dust 02 [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x Inv fabric wool 01 [Wool Cloth]
100 115 123 130 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: EZ-Thro Dynamite]
Inv box 01 [Clockwork Box] Device 3x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar] 100 125 125 125 Trainer
Inv helmet 47 [Flying Tiger Goggles] Cloth 2x Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 03 [Light Leather]
100 130 145 160 Trainer
Inv misc urn 01 [Small Seaforium Charge] Explosive 2x Inv misc dust 02 [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x Inv gizmo 03 [Copper Modulator]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 03 [Light Leather]
1x Inv drink 07 [Refreshing Spring Water]
100 130 145 160 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Small Seaforium Charge]
Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube] Crafting material 2x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar] 105 115 135 155 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 01 [Large Copper Bomb] Explosive 3x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
4x Inv misc dust 02 [Coarse Blasting Powder]1x Inv ingot 04 [Silver Contact]
105 125 140 155 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 07 [Deadly Blunderbuss] Gun 4x Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube]
1x Inv misc spyglass 02 [Standard Scope]
1x Inv mace 11 [Wooden Stock]
105 130 143 155 Trainer
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Standard Scope] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
1x Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube]
110 135 148 160 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 09 [Small Bronze Bomb] Explosive 2x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
4x Inv misc dust 02 [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x Inv ingot 04 [Silver Contact]
1x Inv fabric wool 01 [Wool Cloth]
120 120 145 170 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 07 [Lovingly Crafted Boomstick] Gun 3x Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
2x Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube]
2x Inv misc gear 06 [Handful of Copper Bolts]
1x Inv mace 11 [Heavy Stock]
120 145 158 170 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Lovingly Crafted Boomstick]
Inv helmet 47 [Shadow Goggles] Cloth 2x Inv misc gem amethyst 01 [Shadowgem]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
120 145 158 170 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Shadow Goggles]
Inv gizmo 01 [Flame Deflector] Other 1x Inv misc organ 06 [Small Flame Sac]
1x Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
125 125 150 175 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Flame Deflector]
Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder] Crafting material 1x Inv stone 12 [Heavy Stone] 125 125 135 145 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 06 [Heavy Dynamite] Explosive 2x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv fabric wool 01 [Wool Cloth]
125 125 135 145 Trainer
Inv misc missilesmall blue [Small Blue Rocket] Firework 1x Inv misc dust 02 [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
125 125 138 150 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Small Blue Rocket]
Inv misc missilesmall green [Small Green Rocket] Firework 1x Inv misc dust 02 [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
125 125 138 150 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Small Green Rocket]
Inv misc missilesmall red [Small Red Rocket] Firework 1x Inv misc dust 02 [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
125 125 138 150 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Small Red Rocket]
Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] Crafting material 2x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv fabric wool 01 [Wool Cloth]
125 125 150 175 Trainer
Inv misc pocketwatch 01 [Gnomish Universal Remote] Trinket 1x Inv misc gem emerald 03 [Malachite]
1x Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye]
6x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
2x Inv drink 07 [Flask of Oil]
1x Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
125 150 163 175 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Gnomish Universal Remote]
Inv weapon rifle 07 [Silver-Plated Shotgun] Gun 3x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
2x Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube]
1x Inv mace 11 [Heavy Stock]
2x Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
130 155 168 180 Trainer
Inv misc spyglass 01 [Ornate Spyglass] Device 1x Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
2x Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube]
1x Inv gizmo 03 [Copper Modulator]
2x Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
135 160 173 185 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 05 [Big Bronze Bomb] Explosive 3x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
2x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv ingot 04 [Silver Contact]
140 140 165 190 Trainer
Inv gizmo 07 [Minor Recombobulator] Trinket 1x Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
1x Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
2x Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
140 165 178 190 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Minor Recombobulator]
Inv gizmo bronzeframework 01 [Bronze Framework] Crafting material 2x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
1x Inv fabric wool 01 [Wool Cloth]
145 145 170 195 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 06 [Moonsight Rifle] Gun 2x Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
3x Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube]
1x Inv mace 11 [Heavy Stock]
3x Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
145 170 183 195 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Moonsight Rifle]
Inv misc food 26 [Aquadynamic Fish Attractor] Device 2x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv misc dust 02 [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc monstertail 03 [Nightcrawlers]
150 150 160 170 Trainer
Spell ice magicdamage [Blue Firework] Firework 1x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
150 150 163 175 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Blue Firework]
Spell nature abolishmagic [Green Firework] Firework 1x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
150 150 163 175 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Green Firework]
Spell fire fireball02 [Red Firework] Firework 1x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
150 150 163 175 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Red Firework]
Inv battery 02 [Gold Power Core] Crafting material 1x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar] 150 150 170 190 Trainer
Spell nature polymorph [Explosive Sheep] Explosive 1x Inv gizmo bronzeframework 01 [Bronze Framework]
2x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
2x Inv fabric wool 01 [Wool Cloth]
150 175 188 200 Trainer
Inv helmet 47 [Green Tinted Goggles] Cloth 2x Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
1x Inv helmet 47 [Flying Tiger Goggles]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
150 175 188 200 Trainer
Inv gizmo 01 [Ice Deflector] Device 1x Inv potion 20 [Frost Oil]
1x Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
155 175 185 195 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Ice Deflector]
Inv spear 05 [Iron Strut] Crafting material 2x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar] 160 160 170 180 Trainer
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Discombobulator Ray] Device 1x Inv misc gem stone 01 [Jade]
1x Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube]
2x Inv fabric silk 01 [Silk Cloth]
3x Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
160 180 190 200 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Discombobulator Ray]
Inv misc enggizmos 10 [Goblin Jumper Cables] Device 2x Inv misc gem amethyst 01 [Shadowgem]
6x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv drink 07 [Flask of Oil]
1x Inv misc gear 03 [Fused Wiring]
2x Inv fabric silk 01 [Silk Cloth]
2x Inv gizmo 02 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
165 165 180 200 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables]
Inv musket 01 [Portable Bronze Mortar] Explosive 4x Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube]
4x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv spear 05 [Iron Strut]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
165 185 195 205 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Portable Bronze Mortar]
Inv misc pocketwatch 02 [Gyrochronatom] Crafting material 1x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
1x Inv battery 02 [Gold Power Core]
170 170 190 210 Trainer
Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder] Crafting material 2x Inv stone 10 [Solid Stone] 175 175 185 195 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 06 [Solid Dynamite] Explosive 1x Inv fabric silk 01 [Silk Cloth]
1x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
175 175 185 195 Trainer
Inv misc missilelarge blue [Large Blue Rocket] Firework 1x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
175 175 188 200 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Large Blue Rocket]
Inv misc missilelarge green [Large Green Rocket] Firework 1x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
175 175 188 200 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Large Green Rocket]
Inv misc missilelarge red [Large Red Rocket] Firework 1x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
175 175 188 200 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Large Red Rocket]
Inv helmet 08 [Compact Harvest Reaper Kit] Device 1x Inv gizmo bronzeframework 01 [Bronze Framework]
2x Inv misc pocketwatch 02 [Gyrochronatom]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
2x Inv spear 05 [Iron Strut]
175 175 195 215 Trainer
Inv misc screwdriver 02 [Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor] Tool 4x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar] 175 175 195 215 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 08 [Iron Grenade] Explosive 1x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
1x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv fabric silk 01 [Silk Cloth]
175 175 195 215 Trainer
Inv helmet 47 [Bright-Eye Goggles] Cloth 2x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
175 195 205 215 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Bright-Eye Goggles]
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Accurate Scope] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
1x Inv misc gem stone 01 [Jade]
1x Inv gizmo pipe 01 [Bronze Tube]
180 200 210 220 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Accurate Scope]
Inv crate 05 [Advanced Target Dummy] Device 1x Inv gizmo bronzeframework 01 [Bronze Framework]
1x Inv misc pocketwatch 02 [Gyrochronatom]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
1x Inv spear 05 [Iron Strut]
185 185 205 225 Trainer
Inv misc ammo bullet 01 [Flash Bomb] Explosive 1x Inv ore arcanite 02 [Blue Pearl]
1x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv fabric silk 01 [Silk Cloth]
185 185 205 225 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Flash Bomb]
Inv helmet 44 [Craftsman's Monocle] Cloth 2x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
185 205 215 225 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Craftsman's Monocle]
Inv misc bomb 01 [Big Iron Bomb] Explosive 3x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
3x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x Inv ingot 04 [Silver Contact]
190 190 210 230 Trainer
Spell frost windwalkon [Snowmaster 9000] Toy 8x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv potion 20 [Frost Oil]
4x Inv misc pocketwatch 02 [Gyrochronatom]
4x Inv ammo snowball [Snowball]
190 190 210 230 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Snowmaster 9000]
Inv musket 01 [Mithril Tube] Crafting material 3x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar] 195 195 215 235 Trainer
Inv shield 08 [Goblin Land Mine] Explosive 2x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
1x Inv misc pocketwatch 02 [Gyrochronatom]
3x Inv misc dust 06 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
195 215 225 235 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Goblin Land Mine]
Inv misc bomb 03 [Ez-Thro Dynamite II] Explosive 2x Inv fabric mageweave 01 [Mageweave Cloth]
1x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
200 200 210 220 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: EZ-Thro Dynamite II]
Inv misc urn 01 [Large Seaforium Charge] Explosive 2x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
1x Inv drink 07 [Refreshing Spring Water]
2x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
200 200 220 240 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Large Seaforium Charge]
Inv gizmo 03 [Mechanical Repair Kit] Device 1x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv fabric mageweave 01 [Mageweave Cloth]
1x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
200 200 220 240 Trainer
Inv battery 01 [Unstable Trigger] Crafting material 1x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv fabric mageweave 01 [Mageweave Cloth]
1x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
200 200 220 240 Trainer
Inv gizmo 01 [Gnomish Cloaking Device] Trinket 2x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
2x Inv misc gem stone 01 [Jade]
2x Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
1x Inv misc gear 03 [Fused Wiring]
4x Inv misc pocketwatch 02 [Gyrochronatom]
200 220 230 240 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Gnomish Cloaking Device]
Inv misc head dragon 01 [Mechanical Dragonling] Trinket 1x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
1x Inv gizmo bronzeframework 01 [Bronze Framework]
2x Inv misc pocketwatch 02 [Gyrochronatom]
2x Inv spear 05 [Iron Strut]
200 220 230 240 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Mechanical Dragonling]
Inv pet lilsmoky [Lil' Smoky] Companion 1x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
2x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv stone 05 [Core of Earth]
1x Inv misc gear 03 [Fused Wiring]
2x Inv misc pocketwatch 02 [Gyrochronatom]
205 205 205 205 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Lil' Smoky]
Inv misc bomb 04 [Pet Bombling] Companion 6x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv misc bomb 01 [Big Iron Bomb]
1x Inv misc gear 03 [Fused Wiring]
1x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
205 205 205 205 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Pet Bombling]
Inv helmet 47 [Fire Goggles] Cloth 2x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
1x Inv helmet 47 [Green Tinted Goggles]
2x Spell fire fire [Elemental Fire]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
205 225 235 245 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 07 [Mithril Blunderbuss] Gun 4x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2x Spell fire fire [Elemental Fire]
1x Inv mace 11 [Heavy Stock]
1x Inv musket 01 [Mithril Tube]
1x Inv battery 01 [Unstable Trigger]
205 225 235 245 Trainer
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Deadly Scope] Item enhancement 2x Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine]
1x Inv musket 01 [Mithril Tube]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
210 230 240 250 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Deadly Scope]
Inv gizmo mithrilcasing 01 [Mithril Casing] Crafting material 3x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar] 215 215 235 255 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 02 [Mithril Frag Bomb] Explosive 1x Inv gizmo mithrilcasing 01 [Mithril Casing]
1x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x Inv battery 01 [Unstable Trigger]
215 215 235 255 Trainer
Inv helmet 47 [Catseye Ultra Goggles] Cloth 2x Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine]
1x Inv potion 36 [Catseye Elixir]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
220 240 250 260 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Catseye Ultra Goggles]
Inv weapon rifle 07 [Mithril Heavy-Bore Rifle] Gun 2x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
6x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv mace 11 [Heavy Stock]
2x Inv musket 01 [Mithril Tube]
1x Inv battery 01 [Unstable Trigger]
220 240 250 260 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Mithril Heavy-Bore Rifle]
Inv musket 04 [Firework Launcher] Device 1x Inv cask 02 [Goblin Rocket Fuel]
1x Inv musket 01 [Inlaid Mithril Cylinder]
1x Inv gizmo mithrilcasing 01 [Mithril Casing]
1x Inv battery 01 [Unstable Trigger]
225 245 255 265 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Firework Launcher]
Inv misc cape 11 [Parachute Cloak] Cloak 4x Inv fabric mageweave 03 [Bolt of Mageweave]
2x Spell nature web [Shadow Silk]
4x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x Inv battery 01 [Unstable Trigger]
225 245 255 265 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Parachute Cloak]
Inv helmet 47 [Spellpower Goggles Xtreme] Cloth 2x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
225 245 255 265 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Spellpower Goggles Xtreme]
Inv misc missilesmallcluster blue [Blue Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
225 255 238 250 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Blue Rocket Cluster]
Inv misc missilesmallcluster green [Green Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
225 255 238 250 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Green Rocket Cluster]
Inv misc missilesmallcluster red [Red Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
225 255 238 250 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Red Rocket Cluster]
Inv helmet 49 [Deepdive Helmet] Cloth 4x Inv misc gem emerald 03 [Malachite]
4x Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye]
1x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
8x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv gizmo mithrilcasing 01 [Mithril Casing]
230 250 260 270 Trainer
Inv helmet 47 [Rose Colored Goggles] Cloth 2x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
230 250 260 270 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 07 [Hi-Explosive Bomb] Explosive 2x Inv gizmo mithrilcasing 01 [Mithril Casing]
2x Inv misc powder black [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x Inv battery 01 [Unstable Trigger]
235 235 255 275 Trainer
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Sniper Scope] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
2x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
1x Inv musket 01 [Mithril Tube]
240 260 270 280 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Sniper Scope]
Inv helmet 44 [Green Lens] Cloth 3x Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine]
3x Inv misc gem stone 01 [Jade]
2x Inv misc herb 08 [Heart of the Wild]
8x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
2x Inv misc herb 03 [Wildvine]
245 265 275 285 Trainer
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Dense Blasting Powder] Crafting material 2x Inv misc stonetablet 07 [Dense Stone] 250 250 255 260 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 06 [Dense Dynamite] Explosive 2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Dense Blasting Powder]
3x Inv fabric purplefire 01 [Runecloth]
250 250 260 270 Trainer
Spell holy holybolt [Snake Burst Firework] Firework 1x Inv misc dust 02 [Deeprock Salt]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Dense Blasting Powder]
2x Inv fabric purplefire 01 [Runecloth]
250 250 260 270 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Snake Burst Firework]
Inv misc spyglass 03 [High-Powered Flashlight] Trinket 4x Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget]
6x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
6x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
250 270 280 290 Trainer
Inv misc head dragon blue [Mithril Mechanical Dragonling] Trinket 2x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
4x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
14x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2x Inv cask 02 [Goblin Rocket Fuel]
4x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
2x Inv musket 01 [Inlaid Mithril Cylinder]
250 270 280 290 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Mithril Mechanical Dragonling]
Ability hunter pet gorilla [Tranquil Mechanical Yeti] Companion 1x Inv misc pelt bear 03 [Cured Rugged Hide]
2x Inv misc orb 01 [Globe of Water]
1x Inv battery 02 [Gold Power Core]
4x Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget]
2x Inv staff 18 [Truesilver Transformer]
250 320 330 340 N Engineering [60] A Yeti of Your Own
Inv staff 18 [Truesilver Transformer] Crafting material 2x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
1x Spell nature tranquility [Elemental Air]
2x Inv ore iron 01 [Elemental Earth]
260 270 275 280 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 02 [Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector] Trinket 2x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
4x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
2x Inv potion 20 [Frost Oil]
4x Inv misc herb icecap [Icecap]
6x Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget]
2x Inv staff 18 [Truesilver Transformer]
260 280 290 300 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector]
Inv misc bomb 08 [Thorium Grenade] Explosive 3x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
3x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Dense Blasting Powder]
3x Inv fabric purplefire 01 [Runecloth]
1x Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget]
260 280 290 300 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 07 [Thorium Rifle] Gun 4x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
1x Inv misc spyglass 02 [Deadly Scope]
2x Inv gizmo mithrilcasing 01 [Mithril Casing]
2x Inv musket 01 [Mithril Tube]
2x Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget]
260 280 290 300 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Thorium Rifle]
Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget] Crafting material 3x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
1x Inv fabric purplefire 01 [Runecloth]
260 280 290 300 Trainer
Inv misc monsterhead 03 [Lifelike Mechanical Toad] Companion 1x Spell nature abolishmagic [Living Essence]
1x Inv battery 02 [Gold Power Core]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
4x Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget]
265 285 295 305 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Lifelike Mechanical Toad]
Inv helmet 47 [Spellpower Goggles Xtreme Plus] Cloth 4x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
1x Inv helmet 47 [Spellpower Goggles Xtreme]
2x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
8x Inv fabric purplefire 01 [Runecloth]
270 290 300 310 Trainer
Inv misc gear 03 [Fused Wiring] Crafting material 3x Inv jewelcrafting delicatecopperwire [Delicate Copper Wire]
2x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
275 275 280 285 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Fused Wiring]
Inv misc missilelargecluster blue [Large Blue Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Dense Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
275 275 280 285 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Large Blue Rocket Cluster]
Inv misc missilelargecluster green [Large Green Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Dense Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
275 275 280 285 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Large Green Rocket Cluster]
Inv misc missilelargecluster red [Large Red Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Dense Blasting Powder]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
275 275 280 285 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Large Red Rocket Cluster]
Spell shadow detectinvisibility [Powerful Seaforium Charge] Explosive 3x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Dense Blasting Powder]
1x Inv drink 07 [Refreshing Spring Water]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
2x Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget]
275 275 285 295 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Powerful Seaforium Charge]
Inv gizmo goblingtonkcontroller [Steam Tonk Controller] Device 3x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv battery 02 [Gold Power Core]
275 275 280 285 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Steam Tonk Controller]
Inv misc enggizmos 09 [Major Recombobulator] Trinket 2x Inv fabric purplefire 01 [Runecloth]
2x Inv gizmo pipe 04 [Thorium Tube]
1x Inv staff 18 [Truesilver Transformer]
275 285 290 295 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Major Recombobulator]
Inv misc enggizmos 03 [Cluster Launcher] Device 4x Inv cask 02 [Goblin Rocket Fuel]
4x Inv musket 01 [Inlaid Mithril Cylinder]
1x Inv gizmo mithrilcasing 01 [Mithril Casing]
2x Inv staff 18 [Truesilver Transformer]
275 295 305 315 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Cluster Launcher]
Inv weapon rifle 08 [Dark Iron Rifle] Gun 2x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
2x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
6x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
2x Inv misc spyglass 02 [Deadly Scope]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
2x Thorium Tube
275 295 305 315 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Dark Iron Rifle]
Inv crate 02 [Masterwork Target Dummy] Device 1x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
1x Inv gizmo mithrilcasing 01 [Mithril Casing]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
4x Inv fabric purplefire 01 [Runecloth]
1x Inv gizmo pipe 04 [Thorium Tube]
2x Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget]
275 295 305 315 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Masterwork Target Dummy]
Inv gizmo pipe 04 [Thorium Tube] Crafting material 6x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar] 275 295 305 315 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 05 [Dark Iron Bomb] Explosive 1x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
3x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Dense Blasting Powder]
3x Inv fabric purplefire 01 [Runecloth]
2x Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget]
285 305 315 325 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Dark Iron Bomb]
Inv gizmo 07 [Delicate Arcanite Converter] Crafting material 1x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
1x Spell nature web [Ironweb Spider Silk]
285 305 315 325 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Delicate Arcanite Converter]
Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector] Trinket 2x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
4x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
4x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
6x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
3x Inv staff 18 [Truesilver Transformer]
290 310 320 330 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector]
Inv helmet 47 [Master Engineer's Goggles] Cloth 2x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
1x Inv helmet 47 [Fire Goggles]
4x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
290 310 320 330 Trainer
Inv jewelry amulet 07 [Voice Amplification Modulator] Necklace 1x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
2x Inv gizmo 07 [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
1x Inv battery 02 [Gold Power Core]
1x Inv gizmo 04 [Thorium Widget]
290 310 320 330 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Voice Amplification Modulator]
Spell shadow mindbomb [Arcane Bomb] Explosive 3x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
1x Inv gizmo 07 [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
1x Inv fabric purplefire 01 [Runecloth]
300 320 330 340 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Arcane Bomb]
Inv misc head dragon bronze [Arcanite Dragonling] Trinket 4x Inv gizmo 07 [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
1x Inv misc head dragon blue [Mithril Mechanical Dragonling]
300 320 330 340 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Arcanite Dragonling]
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope] Item enhancement 6x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
2x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
2x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
4x Inv gizmo 07 [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
1x Inv gizmo pipe 04 [Thorium Tube]
300 320 330 340 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope]
Inv helmet 47 [Bloodvine Goggles] Cloth 5x Inv misc gem 01 [Souldarite]
4x Inv misc herb 09 [Bloodvine]
2x Inv gizmo 07 [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
4x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
8x Spell nature astralrecalgroup [Powerful Mojo]
300 320 330 340 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Bloodvine Goggles]
Inv helmet 44 [Bloodvine Lens] Leather 5x Inv misc gem 01 [Souldarite]
5x Inv misc herb 09 [Bloodvine]
1x Inv gizmo 07 [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
4x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
8x Spell nature astralrecalgroup [Powerful Mojo]
300 320 330 340 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Bloodvine Lens]
Inv weapon rifle 05 [Core Marksman Rifle] Gun 4x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
2x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
6x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
2x Inv gizmo 07 [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
2x Inv gizmo pipe 04 [Thorium Tube]
300 320 330 340 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Core Marksman Rifle]
Inv egg 05 [Field Repair Bot 74A] Device 16x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
1x Inv misc gear 03 [Fused Wiring]
300 320 330 340 Schematic: Field Repair Bot 74A
Inv weapon rifle 03 [Flawless Arcanite Rifle] Gun 2x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
10x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
2x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
2x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
2x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
2x Inv gizmo pipe 04 [Thorium Tube]
300 320 330 340 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Flawless Arcanite Rifle]
Spell arcane portaldarnassus [Force Reactive Disk] Shield 6x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
8x Spell nature earthbind [Essence of Air]
8x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
12x Spell nature abolishmagic [Living Essence]
2x Inv gizmo 07 [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
300 320 330 340 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Force Reactive Disk]
Inv misc enggizmos 16 [Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector] Trinket 2x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
2x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
8x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
4x Spell shadow shadetruesight [Essence of Undeath]
6x Spell nature abolishmagic [Living Essence]
4x Inv staff 18 [Truesilver Transformer]
300 320 330 340 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector]

Outland (1-75) Bc icon[]

Outland schematics
Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts] Crafting material 1x Inv ingot feliron [Fel Iron Bar] 300 300 305 310 Trainer
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07 [Elemental Blasting Powder] Crafting material 1x Inv elemental mote fire01 [Mote of Fire]
2x Inv elemental mote earth01 [Mote of Earth]
300 300 310 320 Trainer
Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing] Crafting material 3x Inv ingot feliron [Fel Iron Bar] 300 300 310 320 Trainer
Inv gizmo felironbomb [Fel Iron Bomb] Explosive 1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
2x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07 [Elemental Blasting Powder]
300 320 330 340 Trainer
Ability mount gyrocoptor [Flying Machine] Mount 2x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
20x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07 [Elemental Blasting Powder]
20x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
8x Inv tradeskillitem 03 [Star Wood]
300 330 340 350 Trainer
Inv gizmo zapthrottlegascollector [Zapthrottle Mote Extractor] Device 2x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
2x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
4x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
1x Inv gizmo 07 [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
305 305 315 325 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Zapthrottle Mote Extractor]
Inv weapon rifle 04 [Fel Iron Musket] Gun 1x Inv mace 11 [Heavy Stock]
3x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
6x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
320 330 340 350 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 08 [Adamantite Grenade] Explosive 4x Inv ingot 10 [Adamantite Bar]
2x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07 [Elemental Blasting Powder]
325 335 345 355 Trainer
Inv gizmo adamantiteframe [Adamantite Frame] Crafting material 4x Inv ingot 10 [Adamantite Bar]
1x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
325 325 330 335 Trainer
Inv misc idol 02 [Crashin' Thrashin' Robot] 1x Inv gizmo adamantiteframe [Adamantite Frame]
2x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
1x Inv battery 02 [Gold Power Core]
2x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
325 335 345 355 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Crashin' Thrashin' Robot]
Inv misc enggizmos 18 [Fel Iron Toolbox] Toy 1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
5x Inv ingot feliron [Fel Iron Bar]
2x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
325 325 335 345 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Fel Iron Toolbox]
Inv potion 167 [Healing Potion Injector] Consumable 1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
1x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 10 [Knothide Leather]
20x Inv potion 131 [Super Healing Potion]
330 330 340 350 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Healing Potion Injector]
Inv misc enggizmos 15 [Icy Blasting Primers] Crafting material 1x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
2x Inv fabric netherweave [Netherweave Cloth]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07 [Elemental Blasting Powder]
335 335 340 345 Trainer
Inv misc missilesmall white [White Smoke Flare] Firework 1x Inv fabric netherweave [Netherweave Cloth]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07 [Elemental Blasting Powder]
335 335 345 355 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: White Smoke Flare]
Inv misc missilesmall green [Green Smoke Flare] Firework 1x Inv fabric netherweave [Netherweave Cloth]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07 [Elemental Blasting Powder]
1x Inv potion 12 [Green Dye]
335 335 345 355 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Green Smoke Flare]
Inv misc missilesmall purple [Purple Smoke Flare] Firework 1x Inv fabric netherweave [Netherweave Cloth]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07 [Elemental Blasting Powder]
1x Inv potion 02 [Purple Dye]
335 335 345 355 Inv scroll 06 [Schematic: Purple Smoke Flare]
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Adamantite Scope] Item enhancement 8x Inv ingot 10 [Adamantite Bar]
2x Inv misc gem goldendraenite 03 [Golden Draenite]
335 345 355 365 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Adamantite Scope]
Inv misc enggizmos 31 [Frost Grenade] Explosive 1x Inv misc enggizmos 15 [Icy Blasting Primers]
1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
1x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
335 345 355 365 Trainer
Inv gizmo felstabilizer [Felsteel Stabilizer] Crafting material 2x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar] 340 350 360 370 Trainer
Inv gizmo hardenedadamantitetube [Hardened Adamantite Tube] Crafting material 3x Inv ingot adamantite [Hardened Adamantite Bar] 340 350 360 370 Trainer
Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore [Khorium Power Core] Crafting material 3x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
2x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
340 350 360 370 Trainer
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Cogspinner Goggles] Leather 4x Inv misc leatherscrap 11 [Heavy Knothide Leather]
2x Inv misc gem bloodgem 03 [Blood Garnet]
8x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
340 350 360 370 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Cogspinner Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Power Amplification Goggles] Cloth 4x Inv misc leatherscrap 11 [Heavy Knothide Leather]
2x Inv misc gem flamespessarite 03 [Flame Spessarite]
8x Inv enchant dustarcane [Arcane Dust]
340 350 360 370 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Power Amplification Goggles]
Inv potion 168 [Mana Potion Injector] Consumable 1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
1x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 10 [Knothide Leather]
20x Inv potion 137 [Super Mana Potion]
345 345 355 365 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Mana Potion Injector]
Spell shadow detectinvisibility [Elemental Seaforium Charge] Explosive 2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07 [Elemental Blasting Powder]
1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
1x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
350 350 355 360 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Elemental Seaforium Charge]
Inv weapon rifle 04 [Adamantite Rifle] Gun 3x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
2x Inv gizmo adamantiteframe [Adamantite Frame]
4x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
350 360 370 380 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Adamantite Rifle]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Deathblow X11 Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Destruction Holo-Gogs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Furious Gizmatic Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Gadgetstorm Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Justicebringer 2000 Specs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Living Replicator Specs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Magnified Moon Specs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Powerheal 4000 Lens]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Surestrike Goggles v2.0]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Tankatronic Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Wonderheal XT40 Shades]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 11 [Heavy Knothide Leather]
1x Inv elemental primal nether [Primal Nether]
1x Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore [Khorium Power Core]
2x Inv gizmo hardenedadamantitetube [Hardened Adamantite Tube]
4x Inv gizmo felstabilizer [Felsteel Stabilizer]
One of:
2x Inv jewelcrafting talasite 02 [Talasite]
2x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone]
2x Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 02 [Noble Topaz]
2x Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 02 [Living Ruby]
2x Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye]
2x Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 02 [Star of Elune]
350 370 380 390 Trainer
Inv gizmo rocketboot 01 [Rocket Boots Xtreme] Leather 8x Inv misc leatherscrap 11 [Heavy Knothide Leather]
2x Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore [Khorium Power Core]
2x Inv gizmo hardenedadamantitetube [Hardened Adamantite Tube]
4x Inv gizmo felstabilizer [Felsteel Stabilizer]
355 365 375 385 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Rocket Boots Xtreme]
Inv gizmo rocketboot 01 [Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite] Cloth 8x Inv fabric netherweave bolt [Bolt of Netherweave]
2x Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore [Khorium Power Core]
2x Inv gizmo hardenedadamantitetube [Hardened Adamantite Tube]
4x Inv gizmo felstabilizer [Felsteel Stabilizer]
355 365 375 385 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite]
Inv weapon rifle 04 [Felsteel Boomstick] Gun 1x Inv gizmo hardenedadamantitetube [Hardened Adamantite Tube]
4x Inv gizmo felstabilizer [Felsteel Stabilizer]
4x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
360 370 380 390 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Felsteel Boomstick]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Hyper-Vision Goggles] Leather 4x Inv misc leatherscrap 11 [Heavy Knothide Leather]
2x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye]
2x Inv enchant shardprismaticlarge [Large Prismatic Shard]
360 370 380 390 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Hyper-Vision Goggles]
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Khorium Scope] Item enhancement 1x Inv gizmo hardenedadamantitetube [Hardened Adamantite Tube]
4x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone]
360 370 380 390 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Khorium Scope]
Inv misc enggizmos 01 [Field Repair Bot 110G] Device 8x Inv ingot 10 [Adamantite Bar]
8x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
1x Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore [Khorium Power Core]
360 370 380 390 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Field Repair Bot 110G]
Inv weapon rifle 13 [Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer] Gun 1x Inv elemental primal nether [Primal Nether]
20x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
12x Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
12x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
4x Inv gizmo felstabilizer [Felsteel Stabilizer]
1x Inv gizmo hardenedadamantitetube [Hardened Adamantite Tube]
375 375 393 410 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 03 [Ornate Khorium Rifle] Gun 2x Inv gizmo hardenedadamantitetube [Hardened Adamantite Tube]
12x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
4x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
2x Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 02 [Noble Topaz]
375 385 395 405 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Ornate Khorium Rifle]
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Stabilized Eternium Scope] Item enhancement 2x Inv gizmo hardenedadamantitetube [Hardened Adamantite Tube]
6x Inv gizmo felstabilizer [Felsteel Stabilizer]
2x Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 02 [Star of Elune]
375 385 395 405 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Stabilized Eternium Scope]
Ability mount gyrocoptorelite [Turbo-Charged Flying Machine] Mount 4x Inv gizmo adamantiteframe [Adamantite Frame]
8x Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore [Khorium Power Core]
8x Inv gizmo felstabilizer [Felsteel Stabilizer]
1x Inv misc toy 07 [Hula Girl Doll]
375 385 390 395 Trainer
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Annihilator Holo-Gogs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Hard Khorium Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Hyper-Magnified Moon Specs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Justicebringer 3000 Specs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Lightning Etched Specs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Mayhem Projection Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Powerheal 9000 Lens]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Primal-Attuned Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Quad Deathblow X44 Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Surestrike Goggles v3.0]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Wonderheal XT68 Shades]
Trained variety goggles
4x Inv elemental primal nether [Primal Nether]
Various (depends on variety)
375 390 410 430 Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Annihilator Holo-Gogs]
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Hard Khorium Goggles]
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Hyper-Magnified Moon Specs]
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Justicebringer 3000 Specs]
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Lightning Etched Specs]
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Mayhem Projection Goggles]
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Powerheal 9000 Lens]
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Primal-Attuned Goggles]
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Quad Deathblow X44 Goggles]
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Surestrike Goggles v3.0]
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Wonderheal XT68 Shades]

Northrend (1-75) Wrath-Logo-Small[]

Northrend schematics
Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts] 2x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar] 350 360 370 380 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger] 3x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar]
1x Inv elemental crystal water [Crystallized Water]
350 366 375 385 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 31 [Cobalt Frag Bomb] 2x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger]
350 375 382 390 Trainer
Inv pick 03 [Bladed Pickaxe] 5x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar] 375 380 385 390 Trainer
Inv pick 05 [Hammer Pick] 5x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar] 375 380 385 390 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 27 [Overcharged Capacitor] 4x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar]
1x Inv elemental crystal earth [Crystallized Earth]
375 380 385 390 Trainer
Ability seal [Explosive Decoy] 1x Inv fabric soulcloth [Frostweave Cloth]
3x Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger]
375 385 390 395 Trainer
Trade engineering [Flexweave Underlay] 12x Inv fabric soulcloth [Frostweave Cloth]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 27 [Overcharged Capacitor]
380 380 383 385 Trainer
Trade engineering [Frag Belt] 8x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar]
8x Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger]
380 380 383 385 Trainer
Trade engineering [EMP Generator] 4x Inv misc enggizmos 27 [Overcharged Capacitor] 390 390 393 395 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube] 8x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar]
1x Inv elemental crystal water [Crystallized Water]
390 395 400 405 Trainer
Ability hunter rapidregeneration [Diamond-Cut Refractor Scope] 1x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
2x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
390 400 408 415 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 08 [Mark "S" Boomstick] 10x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 25 [Hair Trigger]
1x Inv mace 11 [Walnut Stock]
400 405 410 415 Trainer
Trade engineering [Nitro Boosts] 6x Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger]
6x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
405 405 405 410 Trainer
Inv crate 01 [Box of Bombs] 5x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger]
405 410 415 420 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 19 [Titanium Toolbox] 8x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
8x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
4x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
405 425 433 440 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Titanium Toolbox]
Achievement reputation ogre [Dullard] 8x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
410 410 415 420 Trainer
Spell nature elementalprecision 1 [Goblin Beam Welder] 6x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
3x Inv elemental crystal fire [Crystallized Fire]
3x Inv elemental crystal water [Crystallized Water]
410 415 420 425 Trainer
Inv gizmo 05 [Healing Injector Kit] 12x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
410 415 420 425 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 14 [Scrapbot Construction Kit] 10x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar] 415 415 418 420 N Engineering [25-30] The Prototype Console
Inv gizmo 04 [Mana Injector Kit] 12x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv elemental crystal water [Crystallized Water]
415 420 425 430 Trainer
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Mechanized Snow Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Mechanized Snow Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Mechanized Snow Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Mechanized Snow Goggles]
8x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 15 [Borean Leather]
1x Inv elemental eternal shadow [Eternal Shadow]
420 425 433 440 Trainer
Inv gizmo goblinboombox 01 [Noise Machine] 2x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
2x Inv misc enggizmos 27 [Overcharged Capacitor]
8x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
420 435 440 445 Trainer
Inv gizmo goblinboombox 01 [Sonic Booster] 2x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
4x Inv misc enggizmos 27 [Overcharged Capacitor]
2x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
420 435 440 445 Trainer
Inv misc molle [MOLL-E] 8x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
8x Inv elemental eternal air [Eternal Air]
425 430 433 435 Trainer
Inv misc spyglass 03 [Sun Scope] 1x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 08 [Sun Crystal]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 03 [Autumn's Glow]
425 430 433 435 Trainer
Spell nature lightningoverload [Gnomish Lightning Generator] 2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
8x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water]
2x Inv elemental eternal air [Eternal Air]
425 430 435 440 Trainer
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Heartseeker Scope] 10x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal]
430 435 445 455 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos swissarmy [Gnomish Army Knife] 10x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
1x Inv weapon shortblade 01 [Skinning Knife]
1x Inv pick 02 [Mining Pick]
1x Inv hammer 20 [Blacksmith Hammer]
435 440 445 450 Trainer
Spell fire bluefirenova [Wormhole Generator: Northrend] 8x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
2x Inv elemental eternal shadow [Eternal Shadow]
2x Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water]
2x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
2x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
435 450 455 460 Trainer
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Armored Titanium Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Charged Titanium Specs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Electroflux Sight Enhancers]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Greensight Gogs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Truesight Ice Blinders]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Unbreakable Healing Amplifiers]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Visage Liquification Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Weakness Spectralizers]
8x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 19 [Heavy Borean Leather]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
2x Northrend rare gem (varies)
4x Eternal ingredient (varies)
440 450 455 460 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 19 [Armor Plated Combat Shotgun] 10x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
20x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
15x Inv elemental eternal air [Eternal Air]
15x Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
1x Inv mace 11 [Walnut Stock]
450 455 460 465 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 06 [Nesingwary 4000] 10x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
12x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
12x Inv elemental eternal shadow [Eternal Shadow]
3x Inv misc spyglass 03 [Sun Scope]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
1x Inv mace 11 [Walnut Stock]
450 455 460 465 Trainer
Achievement boss mimiron 01 [Jeeves] 2x Inv egg 05 [Field Repair Bot 74A]
10x Inv misc enggizmos 01 [Field Repair Bot 110G]
20x Inv misc enggizmos 14 [Scrapbot Construction Kit]
8x Inv ingot titansteel blue [Titansteel Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 36 [King's Amber]
30x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
450 480 485 490 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Jeeves]
HordeInv misc key 06 [Mechano-Hog]
AllianceInv misc key 14 [Mekgineer's Chopper]
12x Inv ingot titansteel blue [Titansteel Bar]
40x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
2x Inv misc pelt 14 [Arctic Fur]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 19 [Salvaged Iron Golem Parts]
9x Inv rod platinum [Goblin-Machined Piston]
1x Inv gizmo pipe 02 [Elementium-Plated Exhaust Pipe]
450 480 485 490 HordeInv scroll 04 [Schematic: Mechano-Hog]
AllianceInv scroll 04 [Schematic: Mekgineer's Chopper]

Cataclysm (1-75) Cataclysm[]

Cataclysm schematics
Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Trade engineering [Cardboard Assassin] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc enggizmos 17 [Tinker's Kit] 425 425 438 450 Crafting discovery
Trade engineering [Grounded Plasma Shield] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc enggizmos 17 [Tinker's Kit] 425 425 438 450 Crafting discovery
Trade engineering [Invisibility Field] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc enggizmos 17 [Tinker's Kit] 425 425 438 450 Crafting discovery
Trade engineering [Quickflip Deflection Plates] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc enggizmos 17 [Tinker's Kit] 425 425 438 450 Crafting discovery
Trade engineering [Spinal Healing Injector] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc enggizmos 17 [Tinker's Kit] 425 425 438 450 Crafting discovery
Trade engineering [Synapse Springs] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc enggizmos 17 [Tinker's Kit] 425 425 438 450 Crafting discovery
Trade engineering [Tazik Shocker] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc enggizmos 17 [Tinker's Kit] 425 425 438 450 Crafting discovery
Trade engineering [Z50 Mana Gulper] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc enggizmos 17 [Tinker's Kit] 425 425 438 450 Crafting discovery
Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts] Crafting material 2x Inv stone 15 [Obsidium Bar] 425 435 443 450 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 35 [Electrostatic Condenser] Tool 4x Inv stone 15 [Obsidium Bar]
6x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
4x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
440 450 453 455 Trainer
Inv helmet 47 [Authentic Jr. Engineer Goggles] Cloth 8x Inv stone 15 [Obsidium Bar]
2x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite]
2x Item savageleather [Savage Leather]
440 455 458 460 Trainer
Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Electrified Ether] Crafting material 2x Inv misc volatileair [Volatile Air] 445 455 460 465 Trainer
Inv misc scopec [R19 Threatfinder] Item enhancement 6x Inv stone 15 [Obsidium Bar]
6x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
2x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior [Alicite]
450 470 473 475 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 37 [Safety Catch Removal Kit] Item enhancement 10x Inv stone 15 [Obsidium Bar]
10x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
450 470 473 475 Trainer
Inv misc bomb 07 [Volatile Seaforium Blastpack] Explosive 1x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
2x Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Electrified Ether]
455 460 468 475 Trainer
Inv musket 02 [High-Powered Bolt Gun] Gun 10x Inv stone 15 [Obsidium Bar]
8x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
4x Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Electrified Ether]
465 480 480 480 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 39 [Lure Master Tackle Box] Bag 20x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
4x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
475 490 493 495 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 34 [Elementium Toolbox] Bag 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
12x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
475 495 498 500 Trainer
Inv misc head dragon bronze [Elementium Dragonling] Trinket 2x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
8x Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Electrified Ether]
16x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
20x Inv misc emberweaveclothbolt 01 [Embersilk Cloth]
475 505 508 510 Trainer
Inv eng mechanicalboomerang2 [Loot-A-Rang] Toy 5x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
5x Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Electrified Ether]
490 495 498 500 Trainer
Inv bow 2h crossbow cataclysm b 02 [Finely-Tuned Throat Needler] Crossbow 4x Inv stone 15 [Obsidium Bar]
2x Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Electrified Ether]
5x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
490 510 513 515 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 43 [Volatile Thunderstick] Gun 2x Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Electrified Ether]
5x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
495 515 518 520 Trainer
Inv gizmo fuelcell [Goblin Barbecue] Device 2x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
2x Inv misc food 91 [Toughened Flesh]
2x Inv misc food 156 fish 79 [Lavascale Fillet]
505 505 505 515 Trainer
Spell fire flameblades [Heat-Treated Spinning Lure] Device 1x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
4x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
1x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
510 510 520 540 Trainer
Inv misc scopeb [Flintlocke's Woodchucker] Item enhancement 1x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
4x Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Electrified Ether]
5x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
2x Inv misc uncutgemnormal1 [Dream Emerald]
515 525 530 535 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Flintlocke's Woodchucker]
Inv misc scopea [Gnomish X-Ray Scope] Item enhancement 2x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
2x Inv misc uncutgemnormal1 [Dream Emerald]
515 525 530 535 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 44 [Extreme-Impact Hole Puncher] Gun 5x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 25 [Hair Trigger]
1x Inv mace 11 [Walnut Stock]
5x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 525 525 525 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Extreme-Impact Hole Puncher]
Inv weapon rifle 44 [Kickback 5000] Gun 9x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 25 [Hair Trigger]
1x Inv mace 11 [Walnut Stock]
1x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 525 525 525 Trainer
Inv weapon bow 60 [Overpowered Chicken Splitter] Bow 12x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
2x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
6x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
8x Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Electrified Ether]
1x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 525 530 535 Trainer
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Agile Bio-Optic Killshades]
Inv helmet 170 [Camouflage Bio-Optic Killshades]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Deadly Bio-Optic Killshades]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Energized Bio-Optic Killshades]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Lightweight Bio-Optic Killshades]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Reinforced Bio-Optic Killshades]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Specialized Bio-Optic Killshades]
3x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
1x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
6x Inv misc enggizmos 33 [Handful of Obsidium Bolts]
6x Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Electrified Ether]
1x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
One of (depends on variant):
2x Inv misc uncutgemnormal2 [Ocean Sapphire]