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KyrianEnhancing the Hold
Start Haephus [42.6, 53.1]VZ-Elysian HoldBlip
End Haephus [42.6, 53.1]VZ-Elysian HoldBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 4,750
Rewards One from: Inv glove cloth bastion d 01 [Selfless Watcher's Gauntlets]
or Inv glove leather bastion d 01 [Selfless Bearer's Hands]
or Inv glove mail bastion d 01 [Selfless Forgelite's Gloves]
or Inv glove plate bastion d 01 [Selfless Collector's Gauntlets]
12g 87s
Previous N [60] It's All Coming Together
Next N [60] Dangerous to Go Alone


Start a Sanctum Upgrade.


As thanks for your efforts in recovering the anima and souls we now have available, you may decide which of Elysian Hold's features we upgrade first.

Once active, it shall expand our capabilities to help not only Bastion, but all the Shadowlands.

Do not worry--as you continue to recover anima and willing souls we will activate them all in time. For now, a single upgrade must suffice.


You will receive:

  • 12g 87s
  • 4,750 XP
You will also receive one of these rewards:
Inv glove cloth bastion d 01 [Selfless Watcher's Gauntlets] Inv glove leather bastion d 01 [Selfless Bearer's Hands]
Inv glove mail bastion d 01 [Selfless Forgelite's Gloves] Inv glove plate bastion d 01 [Selfless Collector's Gauntlets]


Take your time. The first step on the path is always the most difficult.


A wise decision. It will take some time to activate, but all good things are worth waiting for, are they not?


Sanctum Reservoir - Kyrian

Sanctum Reservoir interface

Speak with Haephus again to bring up the Sanctum Reservoir interface. Unlock any available upgrade, but the only one available will most likely be "Tactical Insight" in the Adventures Upgrades section, which unlocks the Shadowlands iteration of the Scouting Map (as introduced in Warlords of Draenor).

Merely starting the upgrade is enough for this quest.


  1. N [60] Report to Adrestes
  2. N [60] Among the Kyrian
  3. N [60] A Proper Reception
  4. N [60] Elysian Hold
  5. N [60] Of Great Renown
  6. N [60] The Path Provides
  7. N [60] A Call to Service
  8. N [60] A Calling in Bastion
  9. N [60] Our Most Precious Resource
  10. N [60] Into the Reservoir
  11. N [60] A Unique Opportunity
  12. N [60] Friends in Dark Places
  13. N [60] Setting the Ground Rules
  14. N [60] Rule 1: Have an Escape Plan
  15. N [60] Rule 2: Keep a Low Profile
  16. N [60] Rule 3: Trust is Earned
  17. N [60] Hopeful News
  18. N [60] Return to Adrestes
  19. N [60] It's All Coming Together
  20. N [60] Enhancing the Hold
  21. N [60] Dangerous to Go Alone
  22. N [60] Soul Meets Body
  23. N [60] Strengthen the Bond
  24. N [60] A Conduit for Good
  25. N [60] Our Eternal Charge

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