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For the Preservation and Augmentation talent, see Ability evoker essenceburst [Essence Burst].
Essence Burst
Ability evoker essenceburst
  • Essence Burst
  • Evoker ability
  • Passive
  • Your Living Flame has a 20% chance and your Azure Strike has a 15% chance to make your next Disintegrate or Pyre cost no Essence.
Class Evoker
Other information
Affects Ability evoker azurestrike [Azure Strike], Ability evoker livingflame [Living Flame]
Improvements Ability evoker essenceburststacks [Essence Attunement], Ability evoker innatemagic2 [Hoarded Power], Spell fireresistancetotem 01 [Titanic Wrath]

Essence Burst is a passive ability for evokers. It is granted by taking the Ability evoker essenceburst4 [Ruby Essence Burst] and/or Ability evoker essenceburst2 [Azure Essence Burst] talents.


  • Essence Bursts are usually a random chance when casting the related abilities. However, during Ability evoker dragonrage [Dragonrage] it is guaranteed to get an Essence Burst after those abilities are successfully cast.
  • Regardless of the type of talent or ability used to generate the Essence Burst, it may be spent on any Essence ability. In other words, there is no difference between the Essence Bursts generated by the Ruby Essence Burst and the Azure Essence Burst talents.

Tips and tricks[]

  • For the Devastation specialization, Essence Bursts can be spent on Ability evoker pyre [Pyre] or Ability evoker disintegrate [Disintegrate]. Pyre is generally used in AoE situations, while Disintegrate is generally used in single-target situations.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
